Sara Jahan

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Which application layer is advisable if I have an application where there is no Presentation layer?

Another third party application calls my application using a URL and sends some paramters. The parameters is what I would use to do all my processing. I do not have to return anything back using the Web.

What should be my architecture? I have only worked on Struts and have about 4-5 days to complete my application.

I would really appreciate any inputs!

Thanks Mark, the installation and deployment was as simple as you had written. To me who is used to the simplicity of Tomcat, the first view of the Jboss site was daunting. I got completely zapped by so many sections and sub-sections.

And, I should stop taking whatever is written in Wiki so lierally. Check out Java Application Servers section of Application Servers. It calls JBoss "commercial". I guess it is commercial from the point of view that technically support is "commercially available".

Sara J

Originally posted by Mark Spritzler:
"any commercial software"

JBoss isn't commercial, it is open source, so it is free.

"JBoss App Server seems to require far too much of work"

Of all the App Servers, I can definitely say that JBoss is the least amount of work.

1. Let's see for installation, just unzip the file.
2. For deployment, just drop your archive into the deploy directory.
3. Creating a DataSource, go to the docs/examples/jca directory take a xxx-ds.xml file, change the URL and password to go to your database and drop that file into the deploy directory.


18 years ago
Thanks a ton everybody!

I am checking this forum after a gap of few days.

Brent, you echoed what I have been thinking myself. But I guess we shall have to build a few test apps in Webworks myself before we can decide on anything.

18 years ago

Is it a good idea to start new project with Struts 1.1? I have been to Struts site. I dont think this is the right time to start with Struts 2.

The thing is we are into product development. So, we wil be stuck with whatever we select for a couple of years.

18 years ago

My query is on similar lines. My company develops highly-transactional applications for Telecom domain. We are currently developing apps using JSP/Servlets in our own home-grown architecture and use Tomcat as Web container. Now, we want to use Hibernate/iBATIS and Struts. And, may be if needs be use EJB and most definitely use Web services - both 6-7 months down the line. Basically, we want to make our application really future-proof without going for any commercial software.

From what little R&D we have done, JBoss App Server seems to require far too much of work. Do you think it is wise to start off with Tomcat and may be later port the application to JBoss + Tomcat config??

Also, I was also reading about two more application servers - JOnAS and GlassFish. Do you think either of these would serve our purpose?

18 years ago
... without using Javascript. Is that possible?

I am using plain JSP. No struts.

Any input would be really appreciated.


18 years ago

Originally posted by Gerardo Tasistro:

Hope that helps a bit.

Yup, it does. Thanks. :-)

Anybody can add anything more??

18 years ago

Dont know about others. But I worked with Ericsson India for 3 years. My husband has been with them since the last 7 years - in the Delhi office. He has just gone back to India after a 8-month contract position in Europe.

Since, its a European company the pace and culture is very different than others. For instance, if you are sent abroad on any asignment you are put up in a very good hotel mostly 5-star or a serviced apartment, irrespective of the fact that you are a fresher or a senior person. They also invest a lot in employee training etc. Overall, a very employee-friendly company.

Just my bit. Hope you make the right.

18 years ago

I have got an interview lined up next week for a Swing/J2SE contract. The last time I worked on Swing or non browser-based applications was about 4 years back. To implement client-server architecture, we used CORBA.

I basically want to know what kinda technologies are being used in this area. You know buzzwords, etc. I understand "Java Web Start" is a way for making your desktop application browser-based. What else? What kinda app servers can be used here? Can we use ORMs like iBATIS/Hibernate??

Please let me know!

18 years ago

I lived in a Yoga school for a month about 5-6 years back. I do not remember if they had any name for their brand of yoga but is definitely not one of the styles mentioned by you. The way I understand it is that all the schools base their style on the traditional form (as is mentioned in the scriptures!)and add their bit to it. I am sure each have their own USPs. I think its just a matter of finding out what suits you the most.

I have heard of Bikram school before. But I didnt know that they use artifically heated rooms. I think it defeats the entire purpose of yoga. Yoga is largely based on the healing power of breathing. Hence, there are a lot of breathing exercises (Pranayam) which you sit and do as well as physical exercises where they tell you whether you should be inhaling or exhaling when doing each position.

Fresh air is a must when you are doing yoga. Thats why it is adviced that yoga should be ideally done early in the morning when the air is freshest and if possible out in the open or atleast have one small window open when doing yoga. The heat and humidity thing makes it sound like any other gym routine where you want people to sweat. Sometimes, you do not sweat even a bit after doing Yoga for an hour.

Hope this helps!

[ February 03, 2006: Message edited by: Sara Jahan ]
18 years ago
Hey Svend,

My husband has just been offered a management job in a startup company. The way he went about things is that he did his MBA just 2 years of working. And, he stuck with the company he joined after MBA for good 6 years. The last 3 years he has been a Solutions Architect in the Pre-Sales area. So, absolutely no software development. As an Architect, he used to meet a lot of clients and one of them has offered him this job.

I think the key to his career growth is that he found a good company and stuck with it for a long time. As a result, when he wanted to move into other areas like pre-sales and architecture, they gradually did it when they had a requirement for a pre-sales guy.

Hopefully, you get some pointers here...

18 years ago
No, not from the quoted or committed rate. What is offered to you is after the agencies have deducted their commission. This will be your gross and later on there are other deductions like tax and National Insurance contribution.

[ February 02, 2006: Message edited by: Sara Jahan ]
18 years ago