Kedar Dixit

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since Apr 22, 2003
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Recent posts by Kedar Dixit

Let me first admit that I am not really sure what I am looking for! I came across a reference to JET (Java Emitter Templates) and JMerge, and started digging into it only to find a few more acronyms.

My question is, what are these different toolsets? How do they work together/independently for eclipse plug-in development? Another way and a simpler way to ask would be, what does one use/follow to develop Eclipse plugins?

[ March 12, 2008: Message edited by: Kedar Dixit ]
Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I have updated the subject of the post to make it more meaningful (hopefully! ).
Once again, thanks a lot for pointing this out!
Frankly, I am a bit embarassed to admit that I am a complete novice to this framework. Hence the question; Is this book a beginner's guide or for advanced users? Also, I am not new to the J2EE technology or other frameworks like JSF, Struts, etc., so what do you think would be a good technology that I need to be familiar with in order to have a faster learning curve with Tapestry?

Thanks a lot for your time and help!

[ March 03, 2008: Message edited by: Kedar Dixit ]
[ March 03, 2008: Message edited by: Kedar Dixit ]
Anyone? Any help would be really appreciated!
I am looking for a solution to implement a messaging solution for asynchronous processing of rules.

I initially thought of using JMS, but a Proof Of Concept revealed that only sequential processing is possible with single session listener. The requirement is to have parallel processing.
Is there a way to configure this in JMS?

As a solution to this I also thought of using Message Driven Beans (MDBs). However, there are issues of duplicate messages getting processed at the same time leading to locking/concurrency issues. We need to keep a track of what is getting currently processed so that we can schedule the processing of duplicate message.

Could someone please suggest best solutions for the above scenario? Some good pointers/sample code will help me immensely. Please respond at your earliest convenience.

[ February 29, 2008: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Where could I find a copy of the book for online reading? I checked Safari and was unable to find the pdf version of the book. I am sure this book will be a very handy reference for both the interviewer and the interviewee alike.

16 years ago
First of all, Congratulations for a job well done!
I can well relate to your story, as I currently sail in the same boat called procrastination! I guess its high time I focused and got over with this one! (Its been over a year now, and my signature still reads the same!) Your story has definitely inspired me to start with renewed vigor!

Congratulations Sherif! I guess now you can update your signature!



SCWCD (in progress)

[ November 12, 2007: Message edited by: Kedar Dixit ]
One other small typo I see is here
<servlet-name>Chaper1 Servlet</servlet-name>

and then mapping is
<servlet-name>Chapter1 Servlet</servlet-name>
17 years ago