This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Brian Austin

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since Apr 24, 2003
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Did you delete the compiled jsps from the Websphere temp directory?
20 years ago
I'm not sure when they will but I know it won't be in Websphere 6, that is using JDK 1.4. Maybe they will do a 6.1 release eventually like they did with 5.1, but I wouldn't expect that anytime soon.
20 years ago
It looks like you are trying to install on a Windows machine. You can set the JAVA_HOME variable in System Properties under the advanced tab in Environment Variables. Just add JAVA_HOME and point it to the JRE. /websphere/appserver/java for example.

Hope this helps.
20 years ago
We have run both Websphere 4 and 5 on the same Windows box, at the same time even. You should be able to run them both through the same IBM HTTP server.
20 years ago
Wow, 45 Gig ..... thats crazy.

No, I would say what you are using is right on par with alot of the heap sizes that apps out there are running.
20 years ago
The specs in that link are for the minimum server requirements to install WAS, not minimum heap size requirements for applications running in WAS.

Basically, in my opinion noone can really tell you exactly what you heap size should be. It all depends on your specific app and what you are doing in it. Some apps may only need 128 meg while other need 2 Gig.
20 years ago
The 128 meg heap apps are pretty small, but the large 512 app runs at 400-600 concurrent users at any one time.
20 years ago
I think David's numbers are too high in general. It all depends on your app. We have a bunch of apps running with a max heaps of 128. We even have a very large app with lots of EJBs running with a 512 heap.
20 years ago
Actually, WSCP and XMLConfig are no longer used in Websphere 5, WSADMIN replaced them. Either WSADMIN or ANT can be used in Websphere 5.
20 years ago
You do all your appserver configuration through the same console. Both appservers will show up under Application Servers. Although to stop and start the new appserver you will have use the command line, or in Windows you can create a service.
21 years ago
Supposedly Websphere 5.1 will be available 12/5 for electronic download, 12/30 on CD.
21 years ago
What port are you pointing to for your naming server. In past versions it was on 900, but in Websphere 5 its on the bootstrap port of the application server.
21 years ago
I believe its version 1.1 for 4.x and 1.2 for version 5.x currently.
21 years ago
Has anyone run either Websphere 4 or 5 under Win 2003 server? We are seeing performance issues on a 4.0.5 app that we loaded that we didn't see in W2K server. Just curious, thanks.
21 years ago