Ulf Dittmer wrote:Please QuoteYourSources.
Beginning JSF™ 2 APIs and JBoss® Seam gets you up to speed with the new JSF 2.x API features and how they’re implemented using the latest Seam web framework. This quick–start tutorial is the fastest way to get started on JSF 2, Facelets, and Seam, and with it you’ll take the most useful features in the frameworks and apply them using best practices."
Theodore Casser wrote:They do have books where they offer a discounted eBook (and even sometimes, a free one) version of a hard-copy purchased book, so I think it's a bit unfair to wholly categorize Apress as always requiring payment of the full-price to get an eBook copy of a paper book. ?
Theodore Casser wrote:Nor do I think it's unfair the other way around, to expect them to charge full price for buying a paper copy when you've already bought the electronic - you can't expect them to take a loss on the paper copy, can you.
Theodore Casser wrote:That said... if you don't like their price structure, vote with your wallet and choose another publisher..
Damodar Mukhopadhyay wrote:Thank you Jeff, I still have a question
According to the specification its fine, I just wander why the stateless beans equal method returns true for the same interface? That means the container will create a single object for it? I am sure it will not.
"All business object references of the same interface type for the same stateless session bean have the
same object identity, which is assigned by the container"
Benoît de Chateauvieux wrote:Hi All,
I passed Part 1 yesterday and obtained 78%.
I used the following resource during my preparation:
Cade' SCEA 5 Study Guide