jeff mutonho

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Recent posts by jeff mutonho

Ulf Dittmer wrote:Please QuoteYourSources.

It's from the practice questions at
This question has been asked so many many times .There's no magic "best" book yet...purely because the exam encompasses a lot of
things, which would be pretty difficult to cover in a single "best" book. ..even the study guide that's due to come out later this year will not be sufficient
on it's own.You still will need to augment your knowledge with material from other publications.

Just entering "books" in the search field returned this :

Am sure, that's a good start to pick what you can use. Remember there's no 1 formula fits all because we have different industrial experience.I might be weak on
Security and therefore might spend a lot more time reading and mastering that , where as someone else will have a different experience....and therefore recommend
different books. However, those search results above will help you identify some of the books that past exam takers have used.
Glad to have been of help
Does anyone know anything about this Apress book Beginning JSF™ 2 APIs and JBoss® Seam ?
According to a review at Amazon Customer Reviews
the book DOES NOT have anything to do with JSF 2 features, but only JSF 1.2 . Is this true?
If that's the case, wouldn't this be unethical considering that the author and Apress are marketing it as a JSF 2 book with the promise that

Beginning JSF™ 2 APIs and JBoss® Seam gets you up to speed with the new JSF 2.x API features and how they’re implemented using the latest Seam web framework. This quick–start tutorial is the fastest way to get started on JSF 2, Facelets, and Seam, and with it you’ll take the most useful features in the frameworks and apply them using best practices."

I'm interested in hearing from other readers as the book is at the top of my list for the next buy.

15 years ago
The spec is the only sacred passage to total EJB enlightment ...

Theodore Casser wrote:They do have books where they offer a discounted eBook (and even sometimes, a free one) version of a hard-copy purchased book, so I think it's a bit unfair to wholly categorize Apress as always requiring payment of the full-price to get an eBook copy of a paper book. ?


I think you misunderstood my post .There's no logic in doing it on "some" books and not the others...if the books come in both print and e-book format.

Theodore Casser wrote:Nor do I think it's unfair the other way around, to expect them to charge full price for buying a paper copy when you've already bought the electronic - you can't expect them to take a loss on the paper copy, can you.

I'm not expecting them to make a loss . They don't make any loss on the paper copy,because the customer has already paid almost 70% when buying the e-book.The difference covers the 30%.That's how Manning and Oreilly do it and I don't think they'd continue to do so if that meant making losses on the paper copies.

Anyway , I mailed Apress and they came back to me saying they " will seriously consider your comments, and if changes are made, we will let you know for sure" , which is great.

Theodore Casser wrote:That said... if you don't like their price structure, vote with your wallet and choose another publisher..

Sure, but unfortunately that's not always possible , because the other publishers might not have any publication on the title/subject of interest.
15 years ago
Please tell me if I'm being unreasonable , but I find it bizarre that when you buy an Apress ebook ,
then later decide that you want to buy a print copy , you're expected to fork out another full amount (usually more than the ebook price) .
For instance , the book Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects , will set you
back by $34.99 if you buy the pdf eBook .Then lets say you really like what's in the book and decide you want a print copy, then that means forking out
$49.99 ( + shipping costs) , basically costing you $84.98 !!!
Other vendors such as Manning would only charge the difference between what you paid for the pdf ebook and the price of the print copy , which,
in the example above would be $15 ( + of course the shipping) . Oreilly also has an almost similar pricing model , and to me that makes sense.
(See examples here Oreilly Bestselling Java books

I've bought a few book from Apress and suggested this to them , but nothing came out it.I feel discouraged to
continue supporting their business.

Am I the only being aggravated by this? Am being unreasonable?

Jeff Mutonho
15 years ago

Damodar Mukhopadhyay wrote:Thank you Jeff, I still have a question

According to the specification its fine, I just wander why the stateless beans equal method returns true for the same interface? That means the container will create a single object for it? I am sure it will not.

We can't be sure of that Damodar .This falls in the realm of EJB Container implementation.The session bean pooling (and hence object creation) strategies used by various containers differ, but the important thing is that all EJB Containers have to comply with what the spec says about equality of stateless session beans. That's all that matters ... I think it would be an interesting exercise to see how stateless session bean pooling is done in say JBoss's EJB Container.

Also consider the point mentioned by Deepika
If I may add , in your example

  • ref1 and ref2 satisfy the condition that they're different session bean instances and hence they will have different identities => they're not equal.
  • ref3 and ref4 satisfy the condition in section which says

    "All business object references of the same interface type for the same stateless session bean have the
    same object identity, which is assigned by the container"

    Hence, by that identity token, ref3 and ref4 are equal.

  • Here's what the spec says :

    3.4.5 Session Object Identity
    A client can test two session bean business interface references for identity by means of the
    Object.equals and Object.hashCode methods. Stateful Session Beans
    A stateful session object has a unique identity that is assigned by the container at the time the object is
    A client of the stateful session bean business interface can determine if two business interface
    references refer to the same session object by use of the equals method.
    For example,

    All stateful session bean references to the same business interface for the same stateful session bean
    instance will be equal. Stateful session bean references to different interface types or to different session
    bean instances will not have the same identity. Stateless Session Beans
    All business object references of the same interface type for the same stateless session bean have the
    same object identity, which is assigned by the container.
    For example,

    The equals method always returns true when used to compare references to the same business interface
    type of the same session bean. Session bean references to either different business interface types
    or different session beans will not be equal.

    You might find this site a good resource for a quick lookup of EJB 3 annotations:

    Benoît de Chateauvieux wrote:Hi All,

    I passed Part 1 yesterday and obtained 78%.

    I used the following resource during my preparation:

  • Cade' SCEA 5 Study Guide

  • Benoît

    Hmmm...when did that book come out?
    15 years ago
    The EJB 3.0 core spec (ejb-3_0-fr-spec-ejbcore.pdf) has chapters
  • Chapter 7 Client View of an EJB 2.1 Entity Bean
  • Chapter 8 EJB 2.1 Entity Bean Component Contract for Container-Managed Persistence
  • Chapter 9 EJB QL: EJB 2.1 Query Language for Container-Managed Persistence Query Methods
  • Chapter 10 EJB 2.1 Entity Bean Component Contract for Bean-Managed Persistence

  • If one is using the spec to get the finer details of EJB, is it correct to disregard these chapters in the SCBCD 5 preparation?
