Bruno Arantes

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since Apr 30, 2003
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Recent posts by Bruno Arantes

Does anybody know if Sun intends to release an Update Exam for Tiger (for those who already are SCJP 1.4)??

Thanks in advance.
Hi all.

This is simple a question, but I'd like to hear the answers from folks here at JavaRanch:

What are the main advantages of programming an application like Sun's Smart Ticket (or other enterprise app) in J2ME rather than making it using WAP/WML pages?

Thanks in advance.
19 years ago
Hello to all friends!
I'm trying to use the Lomboz J2EE plugin for Eclipse but I'm currently unable to achieve the desired results. I'm following the tutorial at ObjectLearn but when I click the "Generate EJB Classes" for my EJB Module, everything appears to be fine but the resulting ejbsrc directory is empty.
I've checked many configurations so far, but got no results yet.
I'm using Eclipse 2.1, Lomboz 2.1 on Win 2000, deploying to a JBoss 3.2.1 server. My JDK is 1.4.1.
Below is part of the exception shown in the Eclipse's log file:

I'd appreciate if someone could help me with this!
Thanks in advance.
[ August 05, 2003: Message edited by: Bruno Arantes ]
You can also use the Struts Console, which can be used as a standalone program or as a plugin to many IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, JDeveloper, JBuilder...
You can find Struts Console here.
21 years ago

Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
I would be interested in your tutorial. Thanks.

Sven, please tell us how to reach your tutorial.
21 years ago
This thread discusses some tutorials and examples that might help you.
21 years ago
It seems to me that business rules validation should occur in the model layer, which can be done with EJB's, JavaBeans, or even Struts' Action classes.
Basic data-input validation could be validated using ActionForm or the validation framework.
Any other opinions about these ideas?
21 years ago

Originally posted by Pat Wallwork:
Bruno, thanks for the reply.
Creating the logic in my Action class just seems to me to be creating some extra overhead as there are more method calls to access the users input parameters so that I can form my sql opposed to doing it right in the ActionForm where I already have access to the input parameters.
I wonder if I'm the only one a little confused on this or if it's a common misconception...but I see advantages and disadvantages to both sides here.

I think that we can build small- or even medium-sized web applications without worrying too much about framework coupling. But in these cases, we might think that we could even make thinks "simpler" (and maybe develop them quicker) by building queries in the JSP page itself, thus eliminating the need for an ActionForm...
My point of view is that one of the goals of a robust framework like Struts is to enforce layered and better designed applications. Sometimes, a small overhead is the price to pay for such better design, but I still think that the advantages of using a layered design exceed the disadvantages.
Best regards.
21 years ago

Originally posted by Dajin Sulman:
I am new to Struts and I have got a small problem bugging me . I have got a line like:
<html:link page="/"><html:img page="/somepicture.jpg" alt="Pic"/></html:link>
the Internet Explorer 6.0 (Opera 7 does fine) renders an ugly frame around the picture I want to get rid of. I tried various CSS stuff, but didn't succeed.
Any idea? Thanks in forward!!

Have you tried to explicitly set border="0" ?
21 years ago
Welcome, Sue!
I've been reading your articles about Struts at OnJava for some time, and it's very nice to meet you here!
I can't hardly wait to read your new book

21 years ago
There is the Expresso framework which is an extension to Struts. Below is what their website says about it:

Expresso integrates with Struts which is a MVC light weight framework emphasizing presentation and application configuration, and bringing a powerful tag library to Expresso; whereas Expresso adds capabilities for security, robust object-relational mapping, background job handling and scheduling, self-tests, logging integration, automated table manipulation, database connection pooling, email connectivity, event notification, error handling, caching, internationalization, XML automation, testing, registration objects, configuration management, workflow, automatic database maintenance and JSP tag library etc.

[ May 27, 2003: Message edited by: Bruno Arantes ]
21 years ago
Hi all,
According to Chuck Cavaness book Programming Jakarta Struts, JSF and Struts will "fit together quite weel, and developers eventually will be able to suplement or substitute the Struts custom tag libraries with JSF components. The rest of the Struts framework (both model and controller components) will remain relatively unaffected by the JSF architecture".
21 years ago
Here is Weisner's tutorial in pdf: Struts Tutorial
21 years ago
Hi, Pat.
I think the best way you can do that is to make the basic validation in the ActionForm and then perform the business logic in the Action. I also suggest you use a Data Access Object (DAO) to perform data-access operations like database queries, inserts, and so on...
Placing your data-access or other business-related logic in the ActionForm will couple your system to Struts, and that's not a good idea when you think about portability, scalabity, etc...
21 years ago

Originally posted by JiaPei Jen:
May I know where to find Stephen Wiesner's tutorial examples?

Stephen Wiesner's tutorial is here in pdf format: Struts Tutorial
Good luck.
21 years ago