Natalie Kopple

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since May 06, 2003
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Recent posts by Natalie Kopple

I have done some tests by specifying each of the response files as the default response. They all work as expected.

Now, I believe the problem is the XPATH. However, I just cannot see the mistake. If anybody could help to see the XPATH, I would greatly appreciate.
11 years ago
I have prepared a Groovy script in soapUI. Somehow, the Groovy script fails to get XML element value; specifically, I always pick up the default file (i.e., FILE_FOUND_RESP). Whenever there is an exception (for example, document unique ID is ILLEGAL) the default file is still selected but not the ILLEGAL_RESP file. I am seeking help to find out my mistakes. Thank you very much in advance.

Here is my Groovy script in soapUI.

This Groovy script is supposed to read through a XML file (shown below) and get the value of the element <DocumentUniqueId>:
11 years ago
I think that there is a solution but I am still unclear about the index of the "tokenize()" method.

The long string 888888_2.16.840.1.113883.3.42.10012.100001.206_h0102a3727570b14038b349136f2a5fd58e0102 that is tokenized, there are two delimiters; i.e., '_' and three parts.

I think if I want the last part, I should do:

What if I want the first part and the second part? Which indexes are they? Is the first part parts[0] and the middle part parts[1]? Thank you very much.

11 years ago
I think that there is a solution but I am still unclear about the index of the "tokenize()" method.

The long string 888888_2.16.840.1.113883.3.42.10012.100001.206_h0102a3727570b14038b349136f2a5fd58e0102 that is tokenized, there are two delimiters; i.e., '_' and three parts.

I think if I want the last part, I should do:

What if I want the first part and the second part? Which indexes are they? Thank you very much.

11 years ago
I am completely new to the Groovy.

thanks for your time and help in advance.

I am using soapUI mock service and trying to write a Groovy script. The request query URL I receive looks like:


and the search criteria are embedded in the above URL. The search criteria that I am trying to extract from this URL are
A. 2.16.840.1.113883.3.42.10012.100001.206 which is the communityID
B. h0102a3727570b14038b349136f2a5fd58e0102 which is the document ID

All I am able to code in Groovy is:

and I do not know how to proceed further. Please help.
11 years ago
Thanks very much for the detailed analyses and guidance.
12 years ago
I did not intentionally download this software called "Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC". In fact, I do not know how it came to my laptop. I guess it came when I downloaded some applications for work.

This "Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC" always pops up after I log into my laptop and asks me whether I want to run it. Is "Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC" safe? Does it really help in speeding up? Or, I should delete it?

Thank you for your guidance.
12 years ago
I have a snippet of XSL code. And the code is to tranform a XML document to HTML. I have problem to figure out what this XSL snippet exactly does. I do "not" need to know those HTML <tbody>, <tr>, <td>, style sheet stuff.

What I can understand is that the HTML table created will have two columns. The first column is labeled "In fulfillment of". I am lost when I read the XSL code for the second column to be created. I can see that the code needs to read the n1:inFulfillmentOf/n1 : order/n1:id and n1:inFulfillmentOf/n1 : order/n1:code and n1:inFulfillmentOf/n1 : order/n1:priorityCode.

and I also know that   is HTML non-break space; but I do not know what is going to look like in HTML. Would someone help me? Thank you.

I did Google search (probably did not provide the proper key words) but could not find answer. Therefore, I come to this forum.

I have I know " " represents a character; however, I cannot find which character it represents. Could anybody provide a clue? Thanks.

What is an Interceptor. How to use the Interceptor to analyze the exception thrown? Please help. Thank you.
12 years ago
I am working on an application that requires me construct Error 404 and Error 500 manually. My application is client application --> Core --> Wrapper --> Adaptor --> database. All the communications between the Core and the Wrapper and between the Wrapper and Adapter use REST. And I am working on the Wrapper module.

When the Wrapper contacts the Adaptor to request for some data, if resource-not-found encountered, I am supposed to put 404 status code in the HTTP header and return it to the "core". All other exception internal to the Wrapper, I am supposed to put 500 status code in the HTTP header.

Would you guide me as to how to construct the code please?

For example, I think that I can do something like: ex.getCause(); But, how do I know it is resource-not-found so that I can construct the header and put 404 there? Thank you very much.

12 years ago
Hi, the Error 404 and Error 500 are returned automatically when we use HTTP.

I am working on an application that requires me construct Error 404 and Error 500 manually. My application is client application --> Core --> Wrapper --> Adaptor --> database. And I am working on the Wrapper module.

When the Wrapper contacts the Adaptor to request for some data, if resource-not-found encountered, I am supposed to put 404 status code in the HTTP header and return it to the "core". All other exception internal to the Wrapper, I am supposed to put 500 status code in the HTTP header.

Would you guide me as to how to construct the code please?

For example, I think that I can do something like: ex.getCause(); But, how do I know it is resource-not-found so that I can construct the header and put 404 there? Thank you very much.

12 years ago
What should I do? Abadon my e-mail account?
12 years ago
Thanks a lot for your feedbacks. I have deleted that e-mail and cleaned up my trash folder.

Fortunately, I did not reply to that e-mail.

Lately, many of my friends e-mail accounts were hacked.
12 years ago