shaji bala

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since Nov 02, 2000
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Recent posts by shaji bala

I have a popup window which contains a form which the user can to set/update his preferences(This has a submit button). Now if he tries to close the popup window without submitting the form, I have a confirm box which asks him whether he wants to close the window. So the popup window should remain open until the user confirms it to be closed. I thought "onUnload" property will do, but that property seems to be used only after unloading of the window, not just prior to it. It is too late by then.
Someone sugested "onbeforeUnload" but it works in IE not in netscape. Can someone help me out?
Shaji B
I have a class which needs to call a method of a servlet. The servlet does many other functions besides doing the operation needed by the class. The servlet may or may not be instantiated on the web server. How can my class call the method of the servlet on both cases, ie, if the servlet is already instantiated then call the method on the servlet or if it is not yet instantiated, then instantiate it and then call the the method on the servlet.
23 years ago