Neeraja Neeraj

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since May 11, 2003
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Recent posts by Neeraja Neeraj

Thanks guys for the wishes!
Sorry Alim...seems Gowher got to you on your questions before I could.
All the best to you in your preparations!

Hi All,

Last week I got my scores. I passed parts II and III with a 78%.
My part-I score was 87% so I guess Sun reversed the numbers this time
All the same, I am quite thrilled about passing the SCEA exam at atlast.
Though not a great score, (I was not aiming for a great score too as I wanted to finish up the assignment fast due to time constraints) I did
learn a lot of stuff while doing this assignment.

As usual javaranch helped a lot! So my thanks to this one great forum!

Here's my scores breakup...
Grade: P
Score: 78
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70.
Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 36
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 30 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12

The prometric centre from where I purchased the part II exam sent me a link after 4-5 days to my email address from which I was asked to download the assignment. I dont remember they giving me any voucher for part II except for a payment receipt. Ensure that you got the part II voucher only or not and get in touch with the prometric centre.

Hi All,

Is it required that the assumptions should be a separate list under its own heading? Will it be ok if I explain the design and architecture in the software architecture document format and include any assumptions made implicitly as I explain things?

Please help!


Can we register for part I immediately or only on Sept 19 & 20th?
Also after taking the part I exam when will the results be declared?
Is it possible to take parts II & III earlier to Nov 21st?

Am thinking instead of using stateful session bean why not use the HttpSession for managing user information like the user id etc and entity beans for persisting the users' saved itenaries.

At any time, the selected but not saved itenary will be on the HttpRequest object. Been musing over this for sometime now.

Please let me know if this design is good or am I missing something.

Can I include the database model also for the SCEA assignment as part of the assumptions document?

I am planning to use entity beans. So I have to represent the relationship between the entities also. This would be better if I included the database model?

Please let me know if this should/can be done at all.

One of my friend, a hardware engineer, has plans of returning to India after 10 years of experience in the U.S.
He is planning to do a transfer to the Indian division of the same company he's been serving in the U.S.
Can anyone please throw some light on the compensation he can expect in Bangalore, India given his experience level?

[ July 19, 2007: Message edited by: Neeraja Neeraj ]
17 years ago
...Can I take the part 2 and 3 after this long a gap?

Me in a critical phase to choose between the two - technical or management path. My passion is coding and development. At the same time, management is
also in my interests. Isn't there a career that is a blend of both?
Dont want to be left behind in either.

Manish, true that being in development for many years at a stretch raises eyebrows. But I have seen the techies, me being one so far, often ponder about the credibility and capacities of a manager too.

Happy to be seeing the question I have been musing in my mind for quite sometime now being discussed in this forum. Thanks for bringing it up.

18 years ago
Hi All,

Can anybody please tell me if there is a limit on the time gap from taking part I and II, III?
I gave my part I a year back. Can I pursue Parts II and III now?

Thanks much!


Documentum is an Enterprise Content Management platform.
Check out the below links for more info on this.

Hi All,

Last week I cleared scea part I with 87%.
As always my starting point to this certification was Javaranch.
I mostly referred the Mastering EJB book by Edro.
For the exam objectives Mark Cade book served as a good guide.
I did not refer the Allen-Bambara book. Found it to be too wordy.
Joined the scea_j2ee group. The group's file section was very helpful.
The 288 mock questions document found here is ample to get a feel of the exam.

I worked on this certification for 2 months on and off. Got over 18 months of hands on experience in developing enterprise applications.

My wishes for all the other scea aspirants!


20 years ago
Thanks for all your views.
They are based in NJ and the offer is for 48K.

20 years ago

I am a java developer with 3+ years experience and employed. I have recently come across a U.S offer from a concern that has made it conditional that my H1B will be processed only if I submit my credentials or I agree to give them a substantial amount that will be returned once my H1 gets stamped. Also I sign a contract with them to serve their company for 18 months.
I am in a dilemma as to the genuineness of the offer.

I would appreciate if you could putforth your views on this.

20 years ago