Glade Wishart

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since Nov 03, 2000
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Recent posts by Glade Wishart

Thank you - that did work. Do you know why this is the case?
I have created a simple program listed below using two files and
public class X
private int value;
public void setValue( int value )
this.value = value;
public int getValue()
return value;
public class TestX
public static void main( String[] args )
X x = new X();
x.setValue( 5 );
System.out.println( x.getValue() );
I am able to compile but I receive an error when compiling The error is as follows: "cannot resolve symbol" referring to X and X() on line 5. My understanding is that when packages are not used Java begins by searching the current directory which is where both files exist "C:\ and C:\".
If I combine the code into the file and change the line public class X to class X - will compile but when attempting to run TestX.class using java TestX I receive the following error: "Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: X".
If anyone could help I would appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.
I have previously understood that when a thread is done processing it is automatically destroyed is this true without explicitly calling the Destroy() method or is it similar to garbage collection where you may be able to suggest garbage collection but it only occurs when the virtual machine is ready?
I have been looking for a good all around book discussing distributed computing with Java and related technologies. What have you found and what do you recommend as a must read.
Thank you in advance.
22 years ago
I agree with James. You should look into SOAP. This is a new protocol that is being preached by the technical evangelists and it is an open standard.
I would like it if everyone that responds to this post would include a unique site or utility that advertises a mock exam for this quiz.
Thank you to everyone that responds.
All of these items are covered -- Bill Brogden's Java 2 Exam Cram book will give you a good indication of what will be covered on the test.
Does your book cover the XML standard for Java in relation to the J2EE 1.4 standard? If not what are some differences between the new standard and the old in relation to XML?
I recently read or heard from someone (I cannot remember which) that CORBA is an old technology and did not take off the way it was intended. Could you please explain to me if this is true.
Thank you
23 years ago
Does anyone know of a book that discusses OO Databases and how to incorporate them into a Java application?
I would like to start working with JSP but currently have not put much time into this technology. Could someone please tell me if I need to download a special API from Sun to create JSPs or if the standard SDK download has everythink that I need.
Thank you for your response.
23 years ago
Could someone please tell me how they are currently using XML with Java in a current project. I would like to know the most realized benefits that you have noticed and pitfalls if any.
Thank you in advance.
I have heard that configuring Tomcat to work with Windows 98 is difficult. If it is difficult that should not be a problem but instead a learning experience. Can anyone please tell me in advance if there is any functionality that Tomcat offers that Windows 98 cannot support?
Thank you in advance.
23 years ago
For Certification refer to this is a very good site.
[Corrected the link.]
[This message has been edited by Jane Griscti (edited February 23, 2001).]
Thank you!
24 years ago