Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Not saying India isn't a great country because I'm sure it is, but why are you trumpeting your accomplishements by providing a list of Americans?
I totally agree. In that list, Most of people are americans from an indian decent. If you pick the best people in america, that will outlast the list you provided.Best people in america are from all over the world that chose to become an american. Most of the major inventions in the last century happened in america. The last century is very critical to our future and mankind. There were genome discovery to micro computer inventions to plastic surgery to artificial heart to limb reattachments. America is the greatest country that brings good people together.
I am an american from an indian decent. And I won't bragg about my birth country. Everybody knows india is a good country. I guess the originator of this post is not used to the american culture yet if he is in america or may be he posted this post from india, Knowing american culture is that where ever you are from, once you are in america you should think like an american as america as provided an opportunity for you to immigrate to this country to have a better life.
Today, 67% of india's software exports are to North america.
So if america did not give an oportunity for those H-1 B guys who returned to india after getting work opportunities and technology from america, India would be no where.
Today, If america cuts down imports from india. India would have tough economy to deal with.
Not that I dont love my birth country. My sincere suggestion to my fellow indian that not to bragg about India. If india is a great country the world will automatically get to know about it. You should not bragg about it. May be you should serious think about being an american instead of blowing your band wagon here in america.
[ June 01, 2003: Message edited by: Praveen Pranum ]