john mattucci

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since Nov 03, 2000
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Recent posts by john mattucci

Currently the service can be consumed by several means thus the client might or might not use "generated client side code", thus its possible that a URL could be composed to include invalid parameters. So I was hoping there would be a way to return either a JSON/XML error like the one below in the case of a XML request
One of the query parameters specified in the request URI is not supported.

12 years ago
I have read and attempted several of the tutorial/postings online regarding the creation of a WADL for Jersey which I was able to create. I was wondering how would I go about setting up validation of request against a WADL the way I would with SOAP/WSDL. For example if the request URL is localhost:8080?x=1&y2 and only x is a valid parameter, could the use of a WADL allow us to throw an exception. Can this even be done the way I'm thinking? I am using Jersey 1.12 + JAXB

Thank you
12 years ago
Use a HashMap and assign the key, value pairs by HashMap<Character, Image>
13 years ago
Your class AdjusterGui extends ActionHandlers and within your ActionHandlers constructor youre instantiating a new AdjusterGui which causes the endless loop
13 years ago
In the first instance you're attempting to pass null to the chk method which is an acceptable value to both. So there is no way to determine which type you are referring to. But in your second instance the type String is a descendant of Object so String is selected. The same would hold true if you were to run your first example with List rather than Attributes in this case it would always call Vector.
15 years ago
I have the following in my pom which I can run using "mvn -e clean resources:resources package". My question is how would I go about setting it up so that I can run the build with one command i.e. "mvn -e package" or "mvn -e install" Thank you for your time.

15 years ago
Using JAXB 2.1 for the first time. Was wondering how I would remove standalone="yes" from

And also how can I add

and to the root element

Have the following

Thank you for your time
This is my first client to a secure web service using axis2. Using

To create the appropriate soap envelope. My question is how do you define in your code which key/password to associate with which application? Confused since this is the first time dealing with web services. Thank you for your time.
16 years ago
Trying to consume my first Web Service using Axis2. However Im getting the following error AxisFault: Transport error: 403 Error: Forbidden. My code is the following just wondering if I missed something

And I have also added the following in axis2.xml in the <transportSender name="https"

Set the key via the keytool but not even sure if that was done correctly.

Thank you for your time
16 years ago
Thank you for your time. I started to look into using Metro.
16 years ago
Do I need to encrypt the message using the same XML Encryption syntax that the WS expects? In order for the WS to successfully process the received XML document consisting of encrypted data, so that the encrypted data can be decrypted and read successfully.
16 years ago
Sorry this is my first time attempting this. I understand that there are countless examples but for now those are confusing me more than anything else. I am attempting to call a secure web service. From what I have read I can use JAX-WS 2.0. Unless there is something easier. And I am also wondering if I should be encrypting the xml in order to call a secure web service? Should I look into the Java XML Digital Signature API?

Thank you all for your help
16 years ago
There is no such method in javax.persistence.Query. If I change the list to contain Strings and the leave the "where" portion as is it works. What I'm trying to do is check if the numbers already exist in the DB. My question now is can I attempt what I'm trying to do i.e. use the Number object to see if the data is the DB or is it trying to tell me that I cannot do that unless that data is first present in the DB?
Im trying the following with no luck how would I go about passing a list as a parameter and then using it

List<Number> list =
em.createQuery("select number from Number number where in (:numberList)")
.setParameter("numberList", thisIsAList<Number> .getResultList();

When I change the "where" portion of the query to "where number" I get a object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing: Number error

Thank you all for your time
[ July 16, 2008: Message edited by: john mattucci ]