Karl Green

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since May 21, 2003
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I am not sure if this post should be in this forum, the applet forum, or the IDE forum so please bear with me. I’m trying to add some functionality via a JApplet to a legacy web app. The app is running jdk1.4 on Tomcat5.5. I have developed the applet in Neatbeans6.5 and it runs fine as a standalone applet. I’ve added the applet to the legacy app and when I try to open the applet I receive the following error:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jdesktop/layout/GroupLayout$Group
I’ve search the online and learned that I needed to add the swing –layout-1.0.3.jar to my project libraries in NetBeans, which I have done. I have also added the following to build.xml for when I distribute the war file to production:

I’ve restarted Tomcat and done a clean & build several times but I keep getting the same error. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

15 years ago
oops ... if "var ink" was what you meant by easy to spot it was. However, the program code has it as "var link".
I can�t resolve a js error. The error is this:

Line: 71
Char: 9
Error: Expected �;�
Code: 0

This is my function that is giving the error:
Line #
68 function addPosition() {
69var link"ServConfigPosition?familyid=<%=jbfamily.getFamilyid()%>";
70 showDialog(link, 640, 480);

What am I missing?



[ October 22, 2007: Message edited by: Karl Green ]
I was handed a legacy web app and asked to add some new features. Currently the app gets some data from the database and displays it in IE. There is a save option on the page, but it saves it as an HTML file not as a CSV as it is supposed to. Is there a way that I can save it as an Excel file, or better yet have IE open up Excel and display the data? I have looked into HSSF at Apache, but I�m not sure if this is the way that I want to go. My Java is rusty it, has been almost 2 years since I�ve done much in it, and the original developer didn�t know/understand/or use MVC so her code is messy. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated


20 years ago
The sample code that I based my JSP on had it that way. I've placed slurry in StringTokenizer, but I still get the null pointer.
21 years ago
I'm working on a simple JSP and I keep getting a null pointer.
My code is:
<% String slurry = request.getParameter("SLURRY");
String part = request.getParameter("PART");

String token = slurry;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(token, ",");
The error states that StringTokenizer has a null pointer. I have tested 'slurry' and it has the string in it. What am I missing?
21 years ago
I have been working on a simple JSP. When I run it using a Blazix web server on my development box. The app runs just fine when I move it up to the web server running Tomcat, I get a null pointer on the StringTokenizer class. Why will this work on one and not the other? Is there something that needs to be done to the Tomcat server?
21 years ago
DevShed has an OK JSP tutorial. The authors' are a little biased towards PHP, but I found it helpful.
DevShed Java Home
Good Luck,
21 years ago
I have created a JSP application that is running on a dev box. When I moved it up to our pre-production server I have run into a couple of errors.
1) After entering login info and clicking submit, I get a 405 error "Method not allowed" Post is not allowed along with the path to my 2nd page.
2) As I have gone about trying to solve this I have discovered that Tomcat is not creating any class files from the Login.jsp page.
3) Also if you hit the back or refresh button the jsp source code will be displayed.
I think that these 3 problems are all related, any suggestions?
I am using Tomcat 3.3 and Apache 1.3
21 years ago
I have set up Tomcat and Apache on a Netware server. I had it all up and running just fine, but something has changed. When I try to run the
-jkconf command to create the new mod_jk.conf file nothing happens. Any suggestions?
21 years ago
Thanks, but we already tried that.
21 years ago
I'm helping a co-worker on a JSP she has written. The app was working just fine in the dev environment, when it was moved to production it crashes with an internal servlet error. It can't find the DB2 driver. This is a small app an she hasn't built a JAR/WAR file. She has just moved everything over to the 'same' dir structure as the dev box. I have had her place the driver class file in just about every possible location so that the app can find it, but no luck. However, the dev box was running a Blazix web server, and production is Tomcat. I have tried everything that I can think of. Does Tomcat need something done to it? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
21 years ago