Jeff Shelley

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since May 21, 2003
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Recent posts by Jeff Shelley

Hello and thanks in advance for considering my question.

The concept of namespaces in struts seems pretty nice as far as logically separating groups of urls/action mappings, but it leaves me with a couple questions:

1.) I noticed that if I don't begin a context with a "/" (in the <s:url> tag), it will ADD this namespace to my url. So if I'm in the result page from http://localhost:8080/webapp/ns1/abc.action, and do <s:url action="Yo" namespace="hi"... that will give me a url of http://localhost:8080/webapp/ns1/hi/Yo.action. Is there any practical application to these nested links, or should I just always remember the slash?

2.) I'm also mapping my ajax calls in my struts.xml. Is there any word on putting these in their own namespace, or is that overkill?

Thanks very much. I look forward to reading your book.
--Jeff Shelley
16 years ago
Would using a context-param in web.xml as a key help?
20 years ago
If you deploy only the datasource does it throw any errors?
also, if you invoke "list", on the JNDIView from the jmx-console, do you see the datasource your trying to hook up to?
20 years ago
I don't know why that wouldn't work. I've had problems in the past with double submitting. could it be related to that?
20 years ago
I'm no master on JMS, but I do know that the message should go away unless you throw a system exception. Maybe your transaction isn't set up right (use required unless you're doing BMT)? Anybody?
20 years ago

Are you also creating the JNDI binding for the local home interface in jboss.xml?
20 years ago
I thought the training was pretty cool. Even having understood EJB's, JAAS and JMX, I still learned about jboss specific stuff. Like tuning the CMP engine to your needs, making custom EJB configurations in jboss.xml and using XMbeans. The way a developer can write their own interceptors is pretty cool. Bela Ban was the instructor, and he did an awesome job. Overall, I'm really glad I went.

Plus it was in Vegas. Jboss in the day and George Carlin in the night.

I know they will also arrange for jboss to come to your company if you pay them.

About the certification, that comes down to the whole certification debate. I don't know if there's an objective answer. Saying that you attended the advanced training is probably just as valid as the certification, but some employers look for certs. Who knows. I know that a.)it can't hurt and b.)it's an acheivement to be proud of.

20 years ago
That shouldn't be too bad. If you can do something from the JMX-console, you can do it by invoking methods on the underlying mbeans. You just need to lookup the service you wish to use, from the MBeanServer and invoke. If you're not familiar with MBean concepts, there are some JMX tutorials out there that should help.

Have a good one!
20 years ago
The only way I can think of is like what you did, but you could probably put those into the login-config file as options, so at least you don't have to change the code. something like this

<application-policy name = "myPolicy">
<login-module code = ""
flag = "required">
<module-option name = "principal"></module-option>
<module-option name = "AllUserRoles">common,hasEmail</module-option>

Or something like that. Or you could add an extra lookup to your ldap somethere and stuff them in there. But I don't think jboss will add that for you. Does anybody else know?
20 years ago
I attended the training and took the test, but I don't think it's a good idea to talk about specific questions here, because then the test doesn't mean anything. It is open book, and you have like 2 days to get 92%. The materials they give you in the training are supposed to be enough.

Have a good one!

20 years ago
All of the answers you need should will be in the training and the documentation. Don't worry, just don't play minesweeper the whole time like the character who sat next to me. Crazy I tell ya!
20 years ago
I'm not sure I fully understand your question, so I'll just write a novel.

jboss comes with three configurations: default, minimal and all. running the start script with "-c all" will give you a jboss instance that has a more functionality than default. you can make your own configurations. I'd copy the whole default directory and paste it into "server" as a folder
called, say, taco_grande. then I could change anything I want under that directory, do "run.bat -c taco_grande" and it will run based on my new configuration. this is best when you have a lot of jboss's that you want
to run that are completely different.

I hope this helps. Like I said, I'm not entirely sure what you're needing to know.

Have a good one!

20 years ago
you should be able to do this:
run.bat -c myconfiguration
20 years ago
I believe there are some concepts I can explain for you. Could you please zip up that whole directory and send it to [email protected]?

I'll make some changes and comments tonight and send it back.

Welcome to jboss!

20 years ago
There's a user group that meets monthly that might be able to help you out. Last time I was there, there were three or four java gurus looking for jobs.

Best of luck!

20 years ago