Steve Morrow

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since May 22, 2003
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Recent posts by Steve Morrow

Brian Enochson wrote:Sorry to jump in on your question Steve, if this does not fit I could start a new thread...

No apologies necessary, Brian. Your addition fits perfectly! Mule, ServiceMix, Camel, etc. I'm just trying to figure out how to differentiate Spring Integration from the rest of the field.
13 years ago
One of the challenges I have is in sorting out all the integration options. For example, Apache Camel describes itself as integrating very well with Spring. If embarking on a greenfield integration solution (i.e., Camel is not already in place), what questions should I be asking to help determine the best path to take? In other words, what advantages does Spring Integration provide over something like Camel?

13 years ago

I am not sure where should i keep the file so that the class can fetch it...

In the classpath.

17 years ago
Already answered here:
17 years ago

I would like to say false,
because you can have Weak References to that object.

That doesn't negate the original assertion. Objects that have only weak references can be GC'd (as you stated). But an object that has had all references to it set to null will no longer have any strong references. The object will be the same condition as described in the "better formulation"; both are true.
[ December 29, 2005: Message edited by: Steve Morrow ]
Don't panic.

JavaRanch Mock Exam List
[ December 29, 2005: Message edited by: Steve Morrow ]

Originally posted by brij tiwari:
u can use the method in Integer wrapper class as follows:::

String hexVal = "A"; //Hexadecimal

int decvalue= Integer.parseInt(hexVal,16);

Indeed - I thought the OP was asking about the actual process, rather than the API. Thanks for adding that!
[ December 29, 2005: Message edited by: Steve Morrow ]

Originally posted by yashwanth reddy:
Is there any easy method to decode such hex values into decimal values?0x7FFFFFFF

If there is no easy procedure , what is the normal procedure?


(7 * 16^7) + (15 * 16^6) + (15 * 16^5) + (15 * 16^4) + (15 * 16^3) + (15 * 16^2) + (15 * 16^1) + (15 * 16^0)

Or, convert to binary first (then convert to decimal)...

0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111

Setting the last reference to null is not the only way to make the object eligible for gc.

Be careful about how you read the questions, especially for the test. The question as posted doesn't ask if it's the only way. It simply asks the following:

An object becomes eligible for garbage collection when all references to it are set to null.

If all references to an object are set to null, then there are no strong references to the object, and the object is therefore eligible for garbage collection.
[ December 28, 2005: Message edited by: Steve Morrow ]
From a bytecode perspective, it looks like this:
Values is only called once (in order to get at an Iterator).
Interfaces do not extend Object. Interfaces may extend other interfaces.