Billy Tsai

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since May 23, 2003
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Recent posts by Billy Tsai

What is the next best enterprise architect certification to pursue?
3 years ago
Are the practice tests also applicable to the upgrade exam?

is this certification the most up to date one? should we be concerned about another certification for new version of Java?
One of the main reasons for adopting reactive programming is to increase/improve the scalability of a service/an application, does this book cover any new or different testing strategy suited for asynchronous/non-blocking functionality? also any comparison with other similar offering out there in the community such as Ratpack?
5 years ago
I also want to ask the author that does the book cover FaaS & BaaS? what are some frameworks we can use with Mesos Marathon, K8 to achieve those, I know AWS has Lambda, what about Azure and Google Cloud?
5 years ago
Does the book cover performance of the library between parsing/interpreting XML and JSON with same structure? and also writing XML and JSON? also for very JSON file(e.g. 1~2 megabytes) when reading and/or writing such file what is the best tactic or pattern to achieve optimized performance.
Does it mention how cloud native architecture fit into enterprise architecture?(Or how can we adopt it as part of enterprise architecture)
6 years ago
Does the book have content related to how we design and develop architectures for hybrid cloud(e.g. services deployed across private cloud and public cloud, like in Mesos Marathon or Kubernate and on AWS or Google Cloud)? would the technical solutions be different then just purely public cloud or private cloud? what are the additional considerations we need to make, analysis  and evaluation needed? Can we use Netflix OSS + Spring Cloud on both?
6 years ago
How are modularity patterns and best practices different from pre Java 9 apps? or are the very similar or almost the same?
7 years ago
If some applications have lots tightly coupled dependencies within a core monolithic module, does migrating to Java 9 help break that module into smaller pieces through the modularization patterns and best practices mentioned in the book?

Does the book cover any dependency breaking technique in order to meet the necessary modifiability requirement?

and finally does the book cover the principles of package cohesion and packing coupling?


7 years ago
Do you think the TOGAF certification is worth pursuing then?

EA is more about information management stuff than purely technical stuff right?
8 years ago
Hi Sameer,

Does this book cover how to progress through the career path of as a software professional from a software application architect to software system architect then finally to an enterprise architect?

Does it explain the differences in between a software architect, system architect, IT architect(e.g. IBM likes to use ITA for their technical consultants), and enterprise architect? because software architect, and system architect are used interchangeably.

Does the book cover specific software technologies? or architectural patterns and tactics?

Does the book cover any software development methodology(e.g. agile/scrum, waterfall)? there have been lots of debates about if agile methodology is adopted that the role of an architect actually diminishes.

Does the book cover any specific EA framework or methodology(e.g. TOGAF)? because lots big consulting companies and companies with large IT organizations(e.g. banks) want their architects to have TOGAF experience and knowledge.

Billy Tsai
8 years ago
Got it, that is what i thought too because I was having difficulty digging up useful materials from the Oracle website.
I have confirmed it is provided on Safari Books Online as well, in the online version the "About the Download" has instruction for the test engine installation