I think that the answer to question 52 is B and D.
Here is the reasoning.
This restriction can be solved by following the principles outlined here:

It is mandatory to modify the ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate methods to
include the Account as a parameter so that the relationship can be
established using the setTheAccount method.

EJB 2.0 has the restriction that CMR fields cannot be manipulated in the
ejbCreate method.

Setting of the related Account must therefore happen in the ejbPostCreate
method. This is possible because WebSphere Version 5 issues the actual
database INSERT after the ejbPostCreate method (and not after the
ejbCreate method).
Promotes the getter and setter methods to the local component interfaces.
The EJB developer should carefully check whether the invocations of a setter
does not occur database problems in the case of non nullable foreign keys. In
this case the setter method should be manually deleted from the interface.
[ May 30, 2003: Message edited by: mark sev ]