Verity smith

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since May 27, 2003
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Recent posts by Verity smith

quote:Himanshu Jhamb
I have a fair bit of experience (about 7+ yrs.)
quote:Terry Wang
CERTS don's mean JOBS, no matter it's scjp, scwcd, ocp, mcsd, ... period.
some ppl think having some certs can beat guys without them in job market or work, but in reality, they find it's not true, then they come back and blame certs

Is 'IT' a good choice as a career for new comers?
even if you have a CS degree,a few certs and 2/3 yrs of commercial experience and still can't get a job,what does this mean?
How do you expect to gain experience without a job??
Don't forget people who claim to have 4/5 years experience got into "IT", when the times were good
and IT jobs were no problem.These days many experienced people are struggling to either keep their present jobs or find a new one.

The million dollar question which still remains unanswered is
"Is 'IT' a good choice as a career for new comers?"
BTW I am one of those lucky ones who got into IT 5 years ago!
Masters in CS
please help,but (download) 6.1 for Windows.
21 years ago
It's kinda weird, so bear with me

Yes it is!
21 years ago
Hi All;
Could anybody please explain the difference between a Vector (synchronized) and an ArrayList (not synchronized ).
Thankx in advance!
[ July 12, 2003: Message edited by: Verity smith ]
Installing and running a sample application in JBoss or weblogic 8.1. in Windows 2000 Professional. SCBCD forum.
(Hanumant Deshmukh ,Muhammad Ashikuzzaman)
[ June 30, 2003: Message edited by: Verity smith ]
I passed the SCWCD exam today with 96%. Thanks to all the help and hints posted in JavaRanch.
A special thanks to Amer Khan for his clear explanations to my questions and his web application, which was EXTREMELY useful for my preparation.

Thankx Amer, Panagiotis and Andres
for the excellent explanation.
[ June 22, 2003: Message edited by: Verity smith ]
hi all,
I am getting confused b/w mvc and front controller pattern.Can anyone please explain the difference b/w these two.

Thankx Bahadar.
21 years ago

Amer thanks for the application ,can anyone add some more functionality.It will be a great help.

Don't waste your time with that book!
The execution control returns to the resource that has called the forward() method after the callee resource finishes processing

could someone please explain this to me.
[ June 13, 2003: Message edited by: Verity smith ]
hi all,
I have to learn weblogic server6.1 fast (job related).I was wondering if anybody can suggest a good book,my boss has given me weblogic server bible by Joe Zuffoletto .Is it enough(good)?I work as java developer
thanks in advance.
[ June 11, 2003: Message edited by: Verity smith ]
21 years ago