carlos olmos

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since May 28, 2003
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I been using two methods for reporting:

PDF reports created with a library like jasperReports are very flexible since you can manipulate the printing with precission. There's a couple of GUI tools that will help you create your report template.

When printing accuracy is not needed i use the old JSP's to generate html reports, new browsers print tables (and web pages in general) in a more intelligent way, preventing the lost of rows or columns. Using a "tiles" system like struts you may generate report templates.

19 years ago

I'm writing a program to digitally sign documents.

I'm using JCE and keytool to manage the RSA keys and certificates.

Here is my problem:

I need to load the user existing RSA private keys and certificates. I got a sample file for a RSA private key, but it's in binary format (apparently a requirement for this program). I've tried to use the keytool, the JCE KeyFactory class and even openssl rsa utility to open this file without success. Aparently each one of this methods require the file in text format (PEM or DER) to read the key.

Any idea on how to open a RSA Binary private key?

Thanks in advanced.

19 years ago

Have you ever seen a construction like this?

Any idea of what could it means with vbs[-1] ?

Vbs is an ArrayList of Vballs objects inside scm, and aprVBItem is an ArrayList of Strings inside every Vballs object.

Thanks in advanced...

Carlos Olmos.
19 years ago

I'm sending and email (using javamail) to multiple recipients using something like this:

for(int e=0; e<recips.size();e++){
message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, (InternetAddress)recips.elementAt(e));
message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, (InternetAddress)recips.elementAt(e));


Everything works fine except when one of the adresses doesn't really exist, then the message isn't sent to any of the other addresses. That is I get a all or none delivery....

I would like to send the message to the addreses that do exist even if one of them don't.

Please advise....

Carlos Olmos.
20 years ago
Problem solved.

I leave this message in case anyone has the same problem. I was using Jboss 2.4.4 with jdk 1.3.1_10 on windows XP.

I switched to jdk 1.3.0_01 and the problem dissapeared.

Apparently there's some problems in the way jdk 1.3.1 finds the classes of nested properties for struts.

20 years ago
I must add that i'm running this code with Jboss 2.4.4 on Windows XP.

20 years ago

I have the following problem, maybe someone can helpme....

In a given JSP i have the code:

"/solicitante/draftForm" is an ActionForm and has a property called "drafts" of the type "UserModel", there is also a getDraft(). Now inside UserModel is the ArrayList "vbs" with its corresponding getVbs() method.

When I load this page i get the following error:

I don't understand why doesn't find the getter method if is right there in both classes....

Please advise...

Carlos Olmos.
20 years ago
Hello guys:
Talking about casting when you extract String objects from a HashMap or any object collection.
Whats the difference between:


And wich one is the correct way ?
Thanks in advanced.
C. Olmos.
I agree.
You should be thinking in terms of responsability.
Keep it simple: A link is just an url.
"Who has the responsability to manipulate the links (approve, reject, delete, submit new, etc)?"
is better than
"what can be done with this link?"
Running some experiments I ended up with this code:
public class CertPrep extends Object {
static byte a;
static short b;
static char c;
static int d;
static long e;
static String s;
public static void main(String[] args) {
A a1 = new A();
A ab = new B();
B b1 = new B();
String aa = "String";
int bb = 3;
int cc= 7;
System.out.println(aa + bb + cc);
Why the last println System.out.println(aa + bb + cc);
prints a blank line?
I'm using java 1.3.1
Hello all:
Please help me understand this:
Given the code
class Foo {
static byte a;
static short b;
static char c;
static int d;
static long e;
static String s;
public static void main(String[] args) {
on jdk 1.4 the line (String comes last)
prints: 0null
and the line (String comes first)
prints: null00
Why two ceros?
Also, why is i use local variables (initialized variables) the operator behaives different?
String a = "String";
int b = 3;
int c = 7;
System.out.println(a + b + c);
prints: String37
This private constructors are usefull when your creating a Singleton class: this way only the class itself may create the instance and make sure there is only one.
Carlos Olmos.