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We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

urvi patel

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since May 30, 2003
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Recent posts by urvi patel

yaa.. i got the answer.
First i include that page and after that i am forwarding that page to another.
so it gives the error. Afetr that when i include that page after forward tag, so now it's works.
Thanks for ur. suggestions.
21 years ago
I am getting error in this code..
<TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
<%@ page language = "java" import="java.sql.*,*" %>
<%@ page autoFlush="true"%>
String regid="1";
String cat_name=request.getParameter("cat_name");
<form name="form1" action="admin_papercat.jsp" method="post">
<jsp:include page="menu.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp aram name="regid" value="<%= regid %>" />

String cflag="no";
<jsp:forward page="admin_qview.jsp">
<jsp aram name="cat_name" value="<%= cat_name %>"/>
<jsp aram name="regid" value="<%= regid %>" />
out.print("in else");
catch(Exception e1){out.println(e1.getMessage());}
This is the code.... and it's gives error..
Thanking you
21 years ago
I am using jsp:include for including code of one page
and i used the syntax.
<jsp:include page="menu.jsp" flush="true">
now i also used jsp:forward to forward this page to another page...and i have also
written that
<%@ page autoFlush="true"%>
But it still geves the error that
"Attemt to clear buffer that's already been flushed"
I think problem is beacuse of that jsp:include tag.
please help me.
21 years ago
For that timer, I had done with that Java Script code.. and i have
to display time in minute, so i have done the
window.setTimeout( "timer()", 60000 );
So it displayed the time in minute. But now my problem is that, Suppose
i had created timer for 5 minutes and when the remaining time is
3 and half minute and i submit that page, so at that time it will
pass 4 minutes only because i pass it, so now the timer again
started with 4 minutes. So it will create problem and the timer is again
loaded with 4 minutes.
so give me the solution.
Thanking you.
21 years ago
thanks for the reply... It's working..
but in window 98, i got the that message..
21 years ago
From Parent window, i am opening one new window without toolbar and menubar.. and now i want to close that parent window.
I have already tried, window.opener.close() but my problem is that it ask for permission before closing the parent window and i don't want this permission to be asked.

so, how can i get that??
Please help.
I have already tried, window.opener.close() but my problem is that it ask for permission before closing the parent window and i don't want this permission to be asked.

so, how can i get that??
21 years ago
From Parent window, i am opening one new window without toolbar and menubar.. and now i want to close that parent window.
Please help.
[ June 09, 2003: Message edited by: urvi23 patel ]
21 years ago
Thanks For ur. answeres...
21 years ago

Originally posted by Ashish Kothari:
I also never tried this approach ,this is just a suggestion .
I was asked in interview ,what if javascript is disabled?then what to do?

It's ok... I just asked..
[ June 02, 2003: Message edited by: urvi23 patel ]
21 years ago

Originally posted by Ashish Kothari:
What if javascript is disabled by user?
You can make a timer bean,and get current time in mili seconds as well as elapsed time using System class methods.
give it a try ,I think this would be better approach.
Though script is ok,but try to do it with pure jsp would be better approach.

You made me confused.. so now tell me answer also that,how to display the actual remainig time On the clients computer ?
21 years ago
i an application for taking online examination using jsp and orcle,
the person taking the exam gets questions on different pages.After he has answered one question he cannot come back to the previous question.for that the backspace key needs to be disabled.please help me in getting this thing done.
send me the detailed code...
Thanking you....
21 years ago
i an application for taking online examination using jsp and orcle,
the person taking the exam gets questions on different pages.After he has answered one question he cannot come back to the previous question.for that the backspacekey needs to be disabled.please help me in getting this thing done.
Thanking you....
21 years ago

Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
That's a bit of a tough one since you're trying to impose real-time response on top of a protocol (HTTP) which is most definitely not real-time capable.
My initial thought is to use a frameset: one frame with the timer and one frame with the questions. The page loaded into the "timer frame" would perform the countdown using Javascript.
A variant: assuming you are concerned with modern browsers only, avoid the frameset (which are a thing to be avoided if at all possible) and create a page with an embedded iframe. The "master page" can control the timer, while the iframe is used to serve the question pages.
Problems arise with these approaches if the "timer page" gets refreshed. Perhaps the "end time" is saved on the server in the session so that the timer control page can pick up the correct remaining time regardless of refresh.
There are many other approaches, but one of the above (I prefer the iframe), is the first approach I'd give a try.
[ May 30, 2003: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]

Thank you..
For replying me...
21 years ago

Originally posted by Christian Baron:
Another possible approach:
Let JavaScript write the remaining time in a hiddenfield or use as display an inputfield.
When an answer is submitted, you write it with JSP back to Javascript again. E.g.:

[ May 30, 2003: Message edited by: Christian Baron ]

Thankx for ur. reply...
i am doing in that way only but somewhat now it's clear to me.
Again thank you.
21 years ago