Originally posted by Jignesh Patel:
Use open source framework like log4j. Put debug statement and see where it goes.
Originally posted by Keith Lynn:
mx is just a reference. A reference to the actual object is returned, but the local variable, mx, is destroyed.
Originally posted by ritwik roy:
plz look at the code
int a=10/0;
if i want to perform it then there will be a run time error. it is fine.
but in
double a=10/0.0 there will not be any run time error and the answer will be infinity. why?
please look at another problem
int x=012;
if ( x==10) { System.out.println("if part"); }
else{System.out.println("else part");}
it is printing "if part" why?
Originally posted by Darya Akbari:
I wonder how I can test all HTTP message types. I am able to test with GET and POST but how can I test the remaining message types![]()
Look the list below, maybe anyone can give a hint and update the list on how to best test these HTTP messages:
GET - that is the browser's default POST - created by the browser when HTML contains s.th. like <form method="post" action="SelectBeer.do"> HEAD - you say
TRACE - you say
PUT - you say
DELETE - you say
OPTIONS - you say
CONNECT - you say
Originally posted by kapil munjal:
API specs give you the correct way of doing things.
Originally posted by Sumit Sadana:
It would use the default content type which is "text/html."
Originally posted by Parameswaran Thangavel:
i heard that the subclass can access the private field of the superclass
provided the both classes are members of the same class
what it means i didn't understand
can any one explain me?