Aravind Elango

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since Jun 02, 2003
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Recent posts by Aravind Elango

Hi There,

I just began my day pondering that question. Here's something I found useful

Good Luck,
18 years ago

I have a datatable with 2 columns and a number of rows. The first column contains a selectone listbox and the next column contains a textbox. My objective is to select an option from the drop down list and to get the selected value to show up on the textbox(Only in that purticular row).

I tried to do this by attaching an ValueChangeListener to the selectBox. I expected the valueChangeListener function to be called once. Instead, it gets called once for every row in the datatable.

Some Background Info:
SampleBean is a request scope managed bean
SampleBean's attribute is an arry of TableBean (i.e. TableBean[])
TableBean contains 2 attributes: An SelectItem[] and a String.
Thus, each row in the datatable corresponds to one TableBean.
I tried having the valueChangeListener() placed in both the SampleBean and the TableBean, but still have the same problem of multiple calls.

Any/All help would be greatly appreciated.

18 years ago

Thanks for responding. I read through the JSF spec and think I've been toying around with a custom component provided by Rational Application Developer software. I've come to realise that since it is a custom component, it's use is limited.

19 years ago
Hello Group,

Question from a newbie to using JSF.

I am currently trying to design a UI for which I am unable to find an example. I was hoping to get your advice on how to create a datagrid client component in which one of the columns is a drop down list.

Steps I followed:

1) Created a simple bean ( with 2 attributes. (Name [Type:String] and Choice [Type:SelectItem[]])
2) Created an accessor method [public simpleBean[] getArrayofBean()]
3) In the JSP page, I included the bean onto the page/client data sections and tried to associate the attributes of the bean with the datagrid.

I am unable to get a listbox displayed as one of the bean�s attribute in the datagrid. Instead, it displays 4 different text/Boolean columns when I try to include the selectItem[]. I�ve also tried replacing the selectItem[] attribute with the Map and still run into the same problem[i.e. only a limited set of object like String, Integer, boolean etc get accepted].

I'd appreciate any advise/hint on how to get a selectbox into a datagrid client cmoponent. Think I read a post somewhere that a custom component would help. Is that true?

My development Environment: IBM Rational Application Developer.

Thanks for taking the time to read my question,
19 years ago

I think my question was more on Rational rather than websphere Apologies if I wasnt sure earlier. I am kinda wondering what actions needed to be taken for deployment or even starting the server.

All that I've done (In Rational App. Developer) is to create an EJB project, a bean and mapped the datasources/jndi etc. When I start the server, the above exceptions get thrown. I am not sure if there is something like the "Export' step that I am missing.

19 years ago
I forgot to add something important. I am using Rational Eclipse to create the EJB and also using the inbuilt WebSphere server.
19 years ago
Hi Group,

I am taking my first steps in creating EJBs with Websphere App Server Version 6 on Windows). I followed an EJB example on the book "An introduction to IBM rational Developer - J.Fung" and when I start the server, the following 2 exceptions is thrown on the console.

If somebody could help me with clearing up the following exception, that would be great. Also, I'd appreciate any help to light up the way.


----------------------- First Exception ------------------------

[7/14/05 14:07:24:843 EDT] 0000003d SystemErr R
*** ERROR ***: Thu Jul 14 14:07:24 EDT 2005 IWAE0023E Unable to open module file "Ch6Tutorial1CollegeEJB.jar" in EAR file "C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\runtimes\base_v6\profiles\default\config\cells/ttdffxd-aelangoNode03Cell/applications/Ch6Tutorial1CollegeEJBEAR.ear\deployments\Ch6Tutorial1CollegeEJBEAR"
!Stack_trace_of_nested_exce! IWAE0006E Archive is not a valid EJB JAR File because the deployment descriptor can not be found (case sensitive): META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
IWAE0055E Archive is not a valid EJB JAR file (1.0) because no serialized deployment descriptors can be found, either in the manifest or in entries with a ".ser" extension
and ....more lines

----------------------- Second Exception -------------------------
[7/14/05 14:15:07:265 EDT] 00000029 SystemErr R
*** ERROR ***: Thu Jul 14 14:15:07 EDT 2005 IWAE0023E Unable to open module file "Ch6Tutorial1CollegeEJB.jar" in EAR file "C:\ProgramFiles\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0runtimes\base_v6/profiles/default\wstemp\1121364906140\workspace\cells\ttdffxd-aelangoNode03Cell\applications\Ch6Tutorial1CollegeEJBEAR.ear\deployments\Ch6Tutorial1CollegeEJBEAR"
!Stack_trace_of_nested_exce! IWAE0006E Archive is not a valid EJB JAR File because the deployment descriptor can not be found (case sensitive): META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
IWAE0055E Archive is not a valid EJB JAR file (1.0) because no serialized deployment descriptors can be found, either in the manifest or in entries with a ".ser" extension
19 years ago
Hi ,

I got myself HFS book.

1)I read each chapter twice from start to finish
2)Took up the model exams in JWebPlus (Scores averaged between 65 and 80%)
3)Tried the test in HFS

In case of doubts, I refererred to some notes available in the SCWCD resources section.
Hello Group,

I've been a silent listener in this forum for a couple of months now. That's almost the same time since I started programming J2EE. I took up the SCWCD today and cleared it with 85%.

HFS is a wonderful book. I thank the authors who wrote it and participants of this forum for answering questions clearly and promtly.

- Happy !

Off 2 save the web-app world ;-)
Hi there,

Just started my certification prep and am going with HFS. I have a question regarding the behaviour of listeners. Lets say I have 2 listeners (ServletContextAttributeListener and ServletContextListener) & some context attributes associated with my web app. I can understand how they are used individually. But am unsure if the Application unloading (say tomcat shutdown) will cause attributeRemoved() in the ServletContextAttributeListener to be fired.

Also, is this behavior consistent with sessions/ requests or do they have different behavior ?


My Code has no bugs .... Only random behaviours ;-)
Hello Kathy and Bates,
Am a Big fan of your SCJP book and it helped me clear SCJP last summer. Now am onto preparing for SCWCD 1.4 and read some messages that your book would be out in June. I could not find it in it out yet or is it gonna be out sometime in the coming week ?

Hi chris,
Thanks for responding. I figured the problem was with the itemlistener. Learnt that Itemlistners are expecuted for deselected button as well.
21 years ago
Hi all,
I have 4 radio buttons grouped into 2 button groups. All the buttons in a group are placed in the seperate panel. (thus I have 2 panels each containing 2 radio buttons of the same group). Finally I also have a panel on which I have placed the above formed two panels.
Diagramatically like the following, with 2 buttons inside each of the inner boxes.
| |-----| |-----| |
| | | | | |
| |-----| |-----| |
Am using the itenlistener interface to find which button was clicked. Object source = ae.getItemSelectable(); I print out source and saw the text of the radio button selected. For the first group(new,old)bts, the text 'new' and 'old' appear correctly when the appropriate button is pressed.
However in the second group (open,secure), when I select 'open' & 'secure' the source displayed shows the text as 'secure'. Am pretty sure that I have not made any funny mistake like wrong labelling.
Could someone give me an idea why this is happeneing ?
21 years ago
I am trying to have a Jbutton as one of my fields in my Jtable. Am extending the AbstractTableModel class.
In the field where I ecpected to see the Button, I instead see a text message "java.swing.Jbutton.....".
Could someone give me an idea of how to overcome this ?

- A new bee to swing
21 years ago