Sudhakar Krishnamurthy

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since Jun 02, 2003
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Recent posts by Sudhakar Krishnamurthy

Can anyone shed some light on how these architectures fare in comparison to each other. Or is their a link that someone can share perhaps.

17 years ago
Hi, newbie question on server communication.

I have a Client - Server communication setup in the usual sense where my client does a look up for server task and starts communicating with the server. All this is fine and say my server needs to communicate asynchronously with the client, how would one go about doing this?

I am pretty sure we don't have to register my client as a RMIServer (or atleast I hope thats not the way it is).

17 years ago
I have a Apache server that is configured to authenticate clients for a certain URL while the other clients are not authenticated.

Now when a client is trying to get a file from /myServlet/FileServlet/ location I expect the server to send a request to obtain the client certificate, while if the client is attempting to get a file from other locations no client authentication should be performed.

The behavior I am seeing is when the client comes in to the secure location with a HTTPS GET request, SSL handshake occurs without the server requesting for certificate, then I see that the HTTP GET request coming through to HTTP layer and then the server initiates another SSL handshake(re-negotiation) during which the server is requesting for the client certificate. My client is NOT a browser, it's a HTTPS client in C developed by someone else to support few basic HTTPS commands. Now my question is, is this the standard behavior or should the server be requesting the certificate in the first SSL handshake process?? If this is not the standard way of handling then is their something in the apache configuration that I am missing. Can someone please help me out.
18 years ago
Check this out...
Thanks for the input, I figured out what the problem was, my system was running low on heap memory, so i just bumped it up and I am able to bring up the gui. Where do i look for the logs, i found the logs for the j2ee server but not for the deploytool...

Guys: Newbie around EJBs, I just downloaded the j2ee server from sun and i am trying to launch the deploytool but nothing seems to be happening, i made sure my j2ee server came up first without any problems and then in another window i am trying to launch the deploy gui but nothing seems to be happening.
It displayed the colourful launch gui and thats it nothing there after.
Anyone knows how to get around this, i am running this on a windows XP box

I am a newbie to swing, i need help to get started with...
I have a JTree with few nodes, on right clicking i should be able to popup a menu that contains option for renaming the node and when the user clicks on the menu option the node should be renamed, the new name should be validated for text only characters.
I have been able to get to the point where i am able to display the popup menu...need help from there. Not sure where i would do all the validation, in actionPerformed or do i have to have some kind of listeners..???
If any one can post a code fragment or point me to a example code, it'll be greatly appreciated.
19 years ago
Anyone knows how to get around this??
19 years ago
Gregg: I tried moving the setEditable(false) into the actionPerformed method as the last statement to be executed and now i just can't edit it...although i get the popup...hmmm its as though even before i can start editing the tree is being set back to non-editable...
I have this entire piece of code in the mouseReleased method, if that helps.
19 years ago
Thanks Gregg,
If you see the last line in the code, i am setting the tree to be non-editable...or should i move that up into the action performed method???

About F2, its one of the lame requirements that we have

19 years ago
Thanks for the input stuart, i did try it but it doesn't seem to be working, i am posting the code here, take a look and let me know where i am going wrong.

and when I create the tree i've set the editable field to false.
what am i doing wrong here??
[ April 29, 2005: Message edited by: Sudhakar Krishnamurthy ]
19 years ago
I have a jtree with nodes that when right clicked pops up a menu to rename the nodes. This works fine, my problem is since i have to set the setEditable(true), the tree also allows users to edit it by clicking 3 times or by pressing F2 key. I need to be able to disable these and allow edit only via the popup menu.. any suggestions???
19 years ago
Here's my problem, I am trying to edit a JTree node name with customized icons. But as soon as i finish editing the customized icon is being replaced with the default leaf icon

I am using extending my CellEditor class from DefaultTreeCellEditor and providing it my own renderer extended from DefaultTreeCellRenderer. In my cell editor class i've overridden the "determineOffset" function.
Any help is appreciated....
19 years ago