Qi Liang

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since Jun 04, 2003
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The staic class is generally used as static nested class like "In" in you code. The methods in static nested class can not access the member of outer class.

Also, I do not think static class just has only one instance. It can have more than one instance.
19 years ago
I think whether abstract method is defined is not the key that one interface becomes interface. Any way, in practice, the marker interface is used widely.
19 years ago
Why don't you try to debug it to see where the NPE is thrown?
19 years ago
One reason is the primitive types, like int, double and so on.
19 years ago
You can use java.text.format.DateFormmater to parse "12:30" with your pattern to a java.util.Date object. Then use methods in java.util.Date to do any you want.
19 years ago
A good example is java.io.Serializable.

The marker interface works like a boolean flag to indicate the class implementing this interface has some capability, but there is not method involved.
19 years ago

are members of the class Test, right?

If so, 't' and 't1' in both CODE1 and CODE2 share one static b.


Where to go after seven years' development?
19 years ago
The error is raised by class loader. It must have loaded java.lang.String from JRE.
19 years ago
PHPBB is open source forum based on PHP, and has a lot of resource.

Cliff Liang
It works.


Cliff Liang

I have some CSS files used in current product. Now I am required to generate HTML with XLST from XML data. But I am not sure whether I can use the CSS style in XSLT?


Cliff Liang
I'd like to expose some public methods in one public class and hide some public methods, which seems the DLL export in C++. But I can not find how to support this. Do you hava idea on it?

19 years ago
I installed J2SDK 1.4 in the windows with the locale "Chinese", and got the default locale, which is "Chinese". When I changed the OS locale to "Greece" and rebooted, "Greece" is returned with Locale.getLocale() in windows 2000. But "Chinese" is returned with Locale.getLocale() in windows XP.

I deduced that JVM must have got the wrong default locale from windows. Do you touch the part that JVM get system locale?


Cliff Liang
19 years ago
I didn't find SystemDate in J2SE API.
20 years ago
Yes. But you should be careful for JBoss take EJB 1.2 as default.
20 years ago