Barry Higgins

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since Jun 05, 2003
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Recent posts by Barry Higgins

Hi Mark,
Thanks for your reply. I should have made myself clearer.
I am returning a serializable class from the SSB but due to the nature of the project, I may not have this class definition on the client (thus causing an RMI error).
I am familiar with EJBs but am not familiar with JBoss Remoting.
My question is if it will offer the ability to "remotely classload" the server side class without having to make significant changes to the server?
15 years ago
Hi all,
I am trying yo connect to a SSB using a remote client. However I may not have the correct classes on this client that this bean returns. This obviously gives me an RMI ClassNotFoundException.
To get around this I was hoping to use something like the remote classloading features of JBoss Remoting. I was hoping that this would involve modifications to the client and allowing the server to still expose the stateless bean for access over RMI.
From what I have read this does not appear to be the case. Can anyone who has used Remoting confirm this for me or am I looking at this the wrong way. By the way I am using Jboss 4.3.
Thanks in advance,
15 years ago
Thank you both for your response. I have probably not been very clear in what I was saying.
I understand that encoding in UTF-16 and then decoding in UTF-8 does not make sense.
My question is more to do with what is the result if one were to do this?
The Strings that are resulting from the code snippet I put up earlier are very close to what the third party provider requires (I know this based on the SMS messages that I have been receiving). However I do not know why anyone would want text in this format i.e. does it represent something formatted differently and if there is a more structured and understood way of attaining this?
I hope this makes a bit more sense.
16 years ago
In short this will print the String that I am passing

8B0;89 "5@=852A:89=

This seems to "nearly" render correctly.
I have no idea how this can create anything but a garbled mess, but somehow it produces nearly the correct text.

16 years ago
Apologies that was a typo I meant UCS-2.
16 years ago
Hi I know this sounds strange so I'm hoping someone with a bit more knowledge on encoding can answer this.
I'm trying to pass a String as UTC2 to a third party (They are rendering this as an SMS). I am using UTF-16 as, as far as I know this is a super-set of UTC2.
Unfortunately I have been running into problems, after a lot of trial and error I am getting the String Виталий А Терниевский back as Виталий<corrupted char><corrupted char>Терниевский.

What I don't understand is why.
I am getting this result by encoding the String as UTF-16BE -> %04%12%04%38%04%42%04%30%04%3B%04%38%04%39+%04%10+%04%22%04%35%04%40%04%3D%04%38%04%35%04%32%04%41%04%3A%04%38%04%39

Then decoding this as UTF-8 -> 8B0;89 "5@=852A:89

I thought that this would just have corrupted the data but it is being rendered as something. Does anyone have an idea on what the second String represents?
16 years ago
Thanks Steve and Joe,
Unfortunately our app will only run on Linux so process explorer is not an option. I have looked at lsof but this doesn't give enough information to be of use.
I'm going to put something around JAMon in now. There are a large number of places where different people have been using file descriptors but I'm hoping there will be something in the API to help me out.
Thanks I will let you know how I get on.
16 years ago
We are running into an issue where we are running out of file descriptors that our system may open.
The theory is that someone may not be closing off a resource (file, ldap connection etc) that they have opened. Having spent a good bit of time trying to find the offending code I am now wondering if there is a tool that will resolve the file names of the open descriptors to make my job a bit earier. We have been using jprofiler but it doesn't give any help with this.
If anyone has another way of looking at this I'd appreciate it.
16 years ago
Thanks for all your help Ben, I'll have a look at the plugin and if I find a way around it I'll post back.
19 years ago
Sorry I forgot to mention I'm limited by the framework I'm working within that I have no access to the session. As far as I know I can't even use cookies.
I thought there might be some way of getting access to the browser and pulling the URL from that or some other hack but it sounds like I'll have to find another way around it.
19 years ago
Thanks for the reply Ben, but I working on the server side and need to access the URL to extract the parameters passed in the POST using the request.getParameter() method. That or at least gain access to it so I can parse it manually.
19 years ago
Hi all, I have a jsp page sitting in a frame and am wondering if it is possible to access the parent frame's URL. This is also a jsp page and contains parameters which I need.
Thanks in advance.
19 years ago
Hi Paul,
How about a recursive search through your array. Firstly searching for parent_id==null as a starting point and then searching in turn through the list where parent_id==(current_)id?
19 years ago
Try looking at toCharArray in the String API
19 years ago
Great to see a fellow Paddy around here!
Try the following, unfortunately it's been my experience that you have to define your own Locale. I could be wrong but it's not really a problem!
Try the following

Hope this helps,
19 years ago