Janet Nolan

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since Nov 06, 2000
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Recent posts by Janet Nolan

Work on a small team to design and develop a real-time video and audio processing system to convert videotape to DVD and streaming video. The processing system will be implemented as a distributed system of Intel based computers to enhance the video, encode to MPEG-2, and author DVD. Develop a graphical user interface for the operation and monitoring of the conversion system. The processing system will also be integrated with an in-house business system and external e-commerce web site. Salary is in the $80-100K range.
LifeClips, in Acton, MA, is a venture-backed company that is focused on becoming the dominant provider of digital home video services to customers. We are looking for a number of candidates who will become integral members of the team that will revolutionize the way people make and watch home videos.
The service employs proprietary digital video technology developed at Sarnoff Corporation, one of the leading R&D centers in the world focused on digital video. These unique technologies significantly differentiate the service offerings and LifeClips, Inc.�s reputation as a source for �best-of-breed� services. The technologies are based on proprietary patented algorithms developed at Sarnoff Corporation, originally under contract to DARPA, NSA and the National Reconnaissance Office. LifeClips, Inc. is the exclusive licensee for these technologies within its field of use.
Our benefits include:
Stock Options for all employees
Medical and Dental Insurance
Life Insurance
Short Term and Long Term Disability Insurance
Paid vacation and holidays
Credit Union
Flexible Work Schedule
Casual Environment
We will give you the opportunity and tools to be creative and successful as well as the resources you need to grow.
LifeClips, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
Janet Nolan
Staffing Consultant
LifeClips, Inc.
Web: www.lifeclips.com

23 years ago
LifeClips, in Acton, MA, is a venture-backed company that is focused on becoming the dominant provider of digital home video services to customers. We are looking for a number of candidates who will become integral members of the team that will revolutionize the way people make and watch home videos.
The service employs proprietary digital video technology developed at Sarnoff Corporation, one of the leading R&D centers in the world focused on digital video. These unique technologies significantly differentiate the service offerings and LifeClips, Inc.�s reputation as a source for �best-of-breed� services. The technologies are based on proprietary patented algorithms developed at Sarnoff Corporation, originally under contract to DARPA, NSA and the National Reconnaissance Office. LifeClips, Inc. is the exclusive licensee for these technologies within its field of use.
Take a technical lead role in the design and development of exciting web-based e﷓commerce solutions that integrate with an existing video conversion and archiving system. Develop database solutions that support workflows around the management of streaming video and video editing tools on the Web. Implement system to index, archive, search and retrieve customer�s video on demand from orders placed on the Web. Will work closely with developers, design, research and marketing groups in an informal environment.
�BSCS/EE or equivalent with 4+ years database design and
development (2+ years Web-oriented development) or equivalent
�expertise with relational databases � Microsoft�s SQL Server
�experience with C++ and Object Oriented programming
�experience with ASP, ColdFusion or other web/database
integration tools is a plus
�experience in Java, JavaScript and HTML
�familiarity with XML, XSL, and related technologies is a plus
�experience working in a video-editing and/or video streaming
environment is desired
Salary: $90-120K plus stock options
Email resume to: jobs@lifeclips.com

23 years ago