Murasoli Maran

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Recent posts by Murasoli Maran

Good info Jearon,

I have used it when i was doing an Axis program.The client invoke the server and store all the details to populate the UI(Mostly items for listboxes)in a temporary cache class.So client need not call server for all the time.Cache will be enough.

But i suggest to add a system.gc() aslo in the scheduled task(crontab),If there is any.

[ January 28, 2005: Message edited by: Murasoli Maran ]
19 years ago

Originally posted by Jeroen Wenting:
one reason could be periodic clearing of a cache used by the servlet).

Hi Jearon,

What do you mean by clearing the cache?.Do you mean reducing the memmory heap used by JVM?,using System.gc()?.Or any other methods for it?.

19 years ago
Put the driver jar file in WEB-INF/lib directory.

19 years ago
Ben..Good advice. :claps:


19 years ago

Originally posted by Ben Souther:
SSL has to be set up and configured in tomcat in order for your app to use it.


My question is how can i use SSL without Tomcat?.Is there any way?.I mean only programatically in serverside?.Wat's the best practice for authenticating?.To use Tomcat or not to use?.I know using tomcat is simple.But when deployment,Not relying much in container will better for easy and portable deployment.

So i seek experienced advice on this matter.

Thanks for the links ben.

[ January 26, 2005: Message edited by: Murasoli Maran ]
19 years ago
What is my app dont relies on container managed resources?.How can i achieve SSL over http?.Actually this was my doubt.

Thanks for your reply.

19 years ago
Anyone plz
19 years ago
Do you tested by giving the URL in browser?.Is the servlet is clean from errors?.

19 years ago
JSP or Velocity?

Which is the best?. And why?.

Anybody having some experience by using these two plz suggest.

Hi all,

I have simple but valid question in java web side.I refer a lot for answer,But could'nt find satisfying one.

i have seen many web applications which will run only if it'll be placed in webapp directory of Tomcat.No tomcat configuration is needed.My doubt is,

How these applications dealing with authentication and authorisation?(Without using container's ability to authenticate).

If the essential data for authentication and authorisation is from database ,How these sites deal with SSL?.

What is the real life practice to this issue?.To use container's ability to authenticate or custom code in serverside?.

Somebody plz..

[ January 23, 2005: Message edited by: Murasoli Maran ]
19 years ago

Originally posted by Jeroen Wenting:
That's not a domain.
Workgroups are groups of otherwise standalone Windows computers sharing some resources.

Domain login is something quite different and would require a server running Windows 2003 Server (for example).

Why remove USB ports? You're going to need them anyway for keyboards and mice soon enough, and ever more devices are using it...

If you're so concerned about people attaching USB flashdrives, you're going the wrong way. They'll find ways to get those top secret documents out the building anyway.
If not on a USB drive, they just print them out and take them home that way, or send them as email, or...

You're thinking of a technical solution for a procedural and social problem, which is (almost) always the wrong way to go.

Oh Jearon,

Are you union leader in your company?.

My boss asked me to do so in my workgroup.Its not for data protection.But also virus and OTHER appication protection.These drives are a cool way for timepass.

You know a solution for my probloms mentioned on the top?.Anyhow i njoyed ur reply.

19 years ago

Originally posted by Steven Bell:
Not sure if you can disable the USB port for some users. I know you can limit access to software, not sure about hardware.

As for a person using the same username and password to log into any of the computers. I don't know exactly how to do it, but I know it involves setting up a Domain. You may even have to have a domain server, but I'm not sure about that.

If you search google regarding settting up awin2k domain you should find something.

Thanks Steve.

I am having a domain called "My Workgroup".What i need is to create floating users so users can sign in different systems using their UserID/Password.

Any Network person here?.

Can i remove USB ports?.

19 years ago

I have a network of computers connected with LAN and OS installed is Windows 2000 professional.How can i create new users so users can login with their username and password?.I want to create users such a way that ANY user can login in ANY system with their username and password.I have seen in this in WinNT systems.Plz suggest me how to do this in Win2K systems.

Another question,

How can i disable the USB port for some users?.I mean access to the USB port in each computer shall be restricted to some users only.How to achieve this goal?.

Anyone proficiant with these network issues plz inform.

19 years ago

Originally posted by Stan James:

See PowerBuilder.

Only testing