Josh Landin

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since Jun 09, 2003
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Recent posts by Josh Landin

(Flex + Java) > Java
14 years ago
Is your getter in the AddPriceListForm bean cased correctly?
Should have a capital "S":
21 years ago
Since all Collection implementors have size() and isEmpty() methods that yield the info you need, you can start there. If you only want to check if the Collection has elements, you can use:


Both of these will use the isEmpty() method on the Collection to determine the logic return.
I typically use a transfer object over the Collection class and add helper methods like getSize(), isPlural(), etc. In that case a simple logic tag can check the size more precisely:

21 years ago
Simply implement the interface:

and add an entry to your server.xml inside the Engine element:

Note that a Listener can have any number of additional properties that may be configured from this element. Attribute names are matched to corresponding JavaBean property names using the standard property method naming patterns.
21 years ago
I'm not sure if I'm following your post correctly, but here's what I think you're wanting to do.
First, do you have a getter method for "cycleStartDate" in the form bean like getCycleStartDate()? If so, then in your JSP try using a bean tag to localize the variable:

Then to write the date value in the appropriate format in the page:

21 years ago
How about adding a security-constraint for that ActionForward in your deployment descriptor. For example, if your "doSigninAction" needs to forward the authenticated user to a forward like:

And you want that destination to be https, then first you'll need the forward to be a redirect (this way the https connection is between the client and the server running through all defined security constraints):

Then in your web.xml add:

Now requests attempting to access http://myserver/members/* will be automatically tranformed to https://myserver/members/*
Make sure you have a SSL connector configured in your container to handle https connections properly.
21 years ago
What would you prefer to see? The JSP form file name?
Maybe you're looking for redirect="true" on your forwards?
21 years ago
The default message factory used by struts is a Property file parser (digester) that simply creates resource bundles from prop files. As a standard java props file, long lines can be broken onto multiple lines using "\". Also, if you want your bundle to be XML, simply subclass the org.apache.struts.util.MessageResourcesFactory and write your own digester. Creating your own bundle factory can be vary handy in a lot of situations like when you want to do resource string replacements.
For Example:
system.fullname={} {system.version}
21 years ago
Struts 1.0 had an action called ReloadAction that worked as described out of the box. In 1.1 (both rc1 and rc2) the new configuration file reload action seems to be org.apache.struts.tiles.actions.ReloadDefinitionsAction but after configuring a mapping for it like:

I attempt to invoke it and it throws a NullPointerException on 119 which is:

Is there a need to declare a DefinitionsFactory somewhere in order to get configuration reloads working?
21 years ago
If your action isn't being invoked at all, I would say you have some mapping issues, or you're not including the correct <html:form> action property in the jsp to match the struts config.
Have you tried grabbing the MultipartRequestHandler from the form bean?
In the jsp you would have:

Then in the Action class:
21 years ago