Devendra Patel

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since Jun 15, 2003
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Chap 4 gives a listing of methods for Stateless and Stateful Session beans. It seems as if the explanations are tabulated in reverse. For eg: ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate() as listed as not used by Stateful Session Beans. It also says Stateful Session Beans can have only one ebjCreate() method with no args whereas Stateless Session Beans can have overloaded ejbCreate() methods.

Am I correct in assuming that the book is wrong ?
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[ May 09, 2006: Message edited by: Devendra Patel ]
18 years ago
Just for prep, I would leave out chapters not related to the test as you can always refer to the book for real world problems. There aren't many you can leave out though. In fact, some objectives(SAAJ, DII w/o WSDL) are covered in the appendix, so read the appendix...
18 years ago
Ankur, It took me 5 years to get from SCJP to SCDJWS. Next targets not before 2011... so for now, Im putting my feet up...

On a serious note, what I said meant by not over-preparing was that you don't need to be an expert on all objectives. I wasn't confident in UDDI / JAXR or Security, but doing well in other areas pulled me through.
18 years ago
84%. Thanks RMH, MZ and, and everyone here...

My two cents worth for those preparing - do not over-prepare for this test. Its not as hard as SCJP. Abt 4 weeks of 4 hrs/day should be enough, even if you are new to Web Services...

[ May 09, 2006: Message edited by: Devendra Patel ]
[ May 10, 2006: Message edited by: Devendra Patel ]
18 years ago
Thanks Jesus. I was concerned I would buy the voucher and then find out I'm not allowed to take the test unless I pass another Programmer test.

My Cert states - Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform (1.2) - and its not expired - so Im hoping Im OK for this.....
For SCDJWS, is a Sun Certified Programmer for Java 1.2(taken in DEC 00) enough. On the Certification database, somehow my profile doesn't show that Im enrolled for SCDJWS.

JAX-RPC in RMH describes how a WebService can implement the ServiceLifeCycle interface to get access to Session variables.

Question : Do all containers implement the Single-Thread Model for WebServices servlet implementations.... I ask this because otherwise, would there be a conflict in the session variables returned by the SecletEndpointContext object.....

Also, is this a part of the exam objectives ?
Don't even think about the CertifyFirst guide. Its a joke. I paid for it and within a few minutes realized I'd been taken for a ride.

The final 30 pages of this book aren't even related to Web Services.
Hi All
I have been doing some reading for the exam. Here is my problem. Almost all resources give you the source files and directions to build but I haven't come across any example yet that will give you the instructions step by step.

Building using ant is extremely confusing(atleast for a newbie like me) because I cannot find which files were src files are written and which ones were generated. Im also a little confused by code that uses annotations for Web Services, especially when I try to compile them manually....

Can anyone point me to a resource that has simple example as they pertain to the test objectives....

Thanks Alfred. Also, how is the Java job market out there. Does certification help ? Im thinking of making a switch from my VB, Microsoft job for the past 2 1/2 years.....
How tough is this exam and how valuable is it ?
I got SCJP in 2000 with 89 on first attempt and never worked with Java again.....