First, let me apologize for posing a rather vague question. I was in a hurry and did not take the time to properly compose it. Let me try to explain in a bit more detail.
Let's say I have a Snake Factory...which (not surprisingly) creates Snakes. I want to create RattleSnakes, GarterSnakes, and CornSnakes. And I also want to create them specific to a continent. So all three snakes will be in the Americas, Australia, etc. This would look something like...having a concrete AmericanRattleSnake, AustralianRattleSnake (yes, I am aware there are no rattlesnakes in Australia), etc. class(es).
Using this idea, which is a standard implementation of the Factory Pattern (correct me if I'm wrong), how does the
Core J2EE Patterns - Data Access Object article relate using DAOs? Specifically, relating to Figure 9.3 and the related text?
Are RdbDAO1 and RdbDAO2 synonymous with a RattleSnake and GarterSnake? And if so, where does the country level play in to Sun's example? I'm failing to find a correspondence in Sun's implementation of the Factory Pattern described in Gof and HFDP with the "contintent" level of abstraction.
Second, I am definitely not asking anyone to read two books and an article to answer my question. My assumption (founded by reading other threads in this forum) is that there are numerous people in this forum who are well versed in both Factory Pattern and Abstract Factory Pattern described in these two books and could easily answer a question about them applied to something else. I do apologize, however, for not specifying that "something else" very well!
Thank you each for your time!