Bogus user

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since Jun 16, 2003
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Recent posts by Bogus user

I figured it out...
If you go to windows->prefrences->tomcat->source path, you can check the projects that you want the source attached to the debuger.
I am using the Sydeo plugin in Eclipse. When I debug a servlet, or jsp, the debug view that displays the treads stops at the correct break points and even shows what line of code it has stopped at. However it does not highlight the line of code in the code view. Stepping through code works as expected, I just need to look at what line I am on. When I debug an application both views are syncronized.
Has anyone had this problem?
Eclipse 2.1.2
Sysdeo 2.2.1
Tomcat 4.1.29
Thanks for the help,
On John Hunt's mock exam:
question 34:
Which methods may cause a thread to stop executing?
In the answer key it list stop() as a correct answer.
Since that is deprecated would that be a correct answer on the real test?
The question states:
Which constructs an "annonymous" Inner class instance?

d)Runnable r = new Runnable () { public void run() {} };
I don't think it counts as an annonymous class because it is referenced by r.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Wow that is a good one...
I was already to explain it, then I ran it...
int i = 2;
i += i++;
should be the same as:
i += i;
Actually it is the same as:
i = i + i++;
My guess would be:
i + i is evaluated and i++ is evaluated. Because of the order of operations the result of i + i is assigned to i and as a side effect the result of i++ is lost.
If some one could confirm my guess or corect me that would be great.
[ November 13, 2003: Message edited by: Jeff Swenson ]
Sysdeo to launch Tomcat.
Omondo for UML.
Jalopy for formating.
I think the only down side of Eclipse is the lack of a good GUI designer. I have talked to serveral people that won't even look at Eclipse because of that.
Has any one had any luck with any of the GUI designer plug-ins?
Check out for info on JDO implementations. There are some OSS ones there.