Juan Rolando Prieur-Reza

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since Jun 20, 2003
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Recent posts by Juan Rolando Prieur-Reza

This bug is still present in Java 8 and bugzilla says there is no one assigned to fix it. Originally posted in 2007.
Is there any way to put this "major" bug into Oracle's priority list for fixes?

Note that the bug description https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=30516
does not fully define the defective variations on 64-bit shift and compare operations. They are acting as if they are partially on a 32 bit machine running 32 bit Java.

Is there a patch in the works?
10 years ago
I downloaded and ran the Scene Builder 2 installer on my Windows 64 machine which already has NetBeans 8 installed and working fine.

But the Scene Builder 2 installer executes for a few seconds and displays the Installation Complete popup and nothing is actually installed. It did not even ask for configuration choices such as where to install.
I looked for the default installation location, c:\Program Files (86) \ Oracle but that directory does not exist.
I tried to Open a JavaFXML project but there is no Open option on rightclick node.
I tried restarting NetBeans and reboot. No change.

Can you advise what to do?
10 years ago
My objective for a client is this:
1. Connect two broadband on-ramp routers, each connected to a different ISP.
2. Configure each router to see the other so that when one ISP fails
the other router will pick up and route messages for router which lost its internet connection.
(For example, router A will have an "output" port connected to a port on router B,
and router B will have an "output" port connected to a port on router A.)

Question. Can someone point to some literature and products that support this concept?
How would I create this configuration so that it will work (i.e. no circular routing, Do I need a layer 4 or is layer 3 enough?, etc.).
Please feel free to given me some of your thoughts and experiences.
I have two projects in eclipse (using either Kepler or recent Juno, with or without Maven plugin).

In each project there is a class named as in (for sample) com.mymy.Worker.java .
This prevents compilation.

Is there a way to tell eclipse which one to ignore? [preferred solution]

Is it possible to make Maven "see" one class during a particular phase sequence (e.g. compile, test) and the other class during another phase (e.g. compile, test, package) ?

[ obviously I could rename one of them or delete one from one of the projects but that would create other problems. ]
In Java it is necessary to explicitly down cast, particularly when using utilities that retrieve to Object references, for example, and code designed to benefit from polymorphism.
However, explicit down cast and code using instanceof are often responsible bugs and perpetual maintenance problems.

Does anyone know if there is an effort to eliminate the need for explicit down cast in core Java or using an extension? Any examples, extensions, or research findings that make it forever impossible to eliminate? Any comment on family polymorphism for core Java?

By the way, some fans of Scala tell me that Scala does not have this problem (that it is never necessary to explicitly down cast in Scala). Is this so? Show me. I don't know enough about Scala but it does not look that way.

Thanks in advance.

13 years ago
Status -

I'm setting up a new project under java.net and will use their Wiki for this.

BTW - got feedback from two people who have been involved with JSR's.
Comments were constructive, and nothing about the proposal was identified as a problem

Sorry for this delay. java.net is moving stuff to Kenai, which is just getting started; affiliated with Oracle/Sun.

Given me 'til around May17. I'll send you invitations to join on or before then.
14 years ago
Paciencia, por favor! Have patience, please.
My paper is in progress and is now over 20 pages - mostly to elaborate on consequences, examples, anticipating objections.
Also I'm starting to get feedback from friends requiring followup.

I will send the preview article on Tuesday, May 4 2010.
14 years ago

David Newton wrote:Why not just post the abstract?!

David. Humor me for the moment.

The new feature is not as easy to explain as the examples of a for-loop mentioned here (above). The new feature to-be-revealed is not as hard or involve to understand as Generics, for example. But consider this: If I up and told you about generics for the first time in a short paragraph (and you never heard of generics) , someone would probably go off on wrong tangents and reach lots of wrong conclusions, and trash it or confuse it with their own variations. I think this new feature is in the same corral in terms of needing an explanation and to show that all the barn doors have been shut, holes considered (or ain't none).
- Juan
14 years ago

Rob Prime wrote: I've made one feature request in the past, adapting the for-each loop for Maps. The syntax would be, for a Map<K,V> called map, [code]for (K key, V value: map) ... . It has been shot down though.

Gosh that would have been a nice feature . But thanks for mentioning it. I'll include you and the other(s) interested to receive my article for preview.

BTW. I have also dreamed of a veriation of the for loop to do this:

for ( int i=0, String key : myList, i++) { ... }

But this would not impact the productivity of java very much. I can live without it. There's something else I'm dying for.
14 years ago

Henry Wong wrote:

Juan Rolando Prieur-Reza wrote:If I'm wrong, let me know and LoLRotf

Kinda hard to determine if you are right or wrong, if we have no idea what you are referring to.


Thanky Henry. I should clarify. If you are interested in reading a 2 or 3 page article in advance, intending to make a constructive criticism, I will send you it shortly.
I just don't want to clutter this forum with half-thought-out cruft. BTW If you are a serious Design Patterns buff or Object-Oriented wiz, I'm sure you'll enjoy the ride anyway. I promise to submit an abstract here afterward.
14 years ago
Has anyone here ever submitted a well conceived new feature for the Java language?
As a JSR, for example? Or are you familiar with the way to get your idea seriously considered?
If so, I would appreciate your advice here.

Also, if anyone here is interested in reviewing an article with a dynamite new feature, let me know and you will receive the article when issued shortly.

You have my word that it can increase productivity measurably, is easy to understand, fits the java language perfectly, solves a problem that the java community has expressed for years, is something I really want to use, and I've never seen anything like it so far in Java. When you see it, I'll bet you a beer in the saloon that you will wonder why it hasn't been done before. I'm sure it will not be hard for javac developers to implement. If I'm wrong, let me know and LoLRotf

I hope I got your attention.
... as humbly as a cowboy can be.
14 years ago
Thanks. Your writing here expresses the kind of depth and clarity that now makes me want to read your book.
Mary & Tom Poppendieck,

The "Design for Six Sigma" (DFSS) can be used with Lean techniques in general.
Can you comment on (or does the book go into) using DFSS in software development (lean or otherwise).

Looks good. Thanks. Maybe I'll post a sample later.
15 years ago

I am going to try to use FrontMan as the controller for an ExtJS AJAX application. (i.e. I'm hoping this: The FrontMan-based command classes will receive AJAX requests and send back their reply.) Is this a reasonable use of FrontMan? Is there a sample application using FrontMan for AJAX ? If FrontMan is not AJAX-ready out-of-the-box, any advice?

Thanks in advance (Sorry if the answer is too obvious, 'cus I haven't studied the FrontMan source yet).
15 years ago