thanks for your response. i used poi only to generate the excel file and i send it to client with a URL in it. the client after modifying the excel when he cliks the url has to update the modified data to the db. this is the scenario.
if i use HSSS i am not getting the values in the excel from the client side since i cannot load the file from the client and read it.
i am having a java class which reads the data good. but if i access the class via servlet its not working. my java class is like this........
package excel;
* @author gsundar
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
public class ExcelReaderClass{
public static void main( String [] args )
Connection c = null;
Statement stmnt = null;
Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );
c = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc
stmnt = c.createStatement();
String table = "Report_Sheet$";
String query = "select * from" +"\"" + table + "\"";
ResultSet rs = stmnt.executeQuery(query);
System.out.println( "Found the following in the excel:" );
while( rs.next() )
System.out.print( rs.getString(1)+" " );
System.out.print( rs.getString(2)+" " );
System.out.print( rs.getString(3)+" " );
System.out.print( rs.getString(4)+" " );
catch( Exception e )
System.err.println( "Exception in class :"+e );
catch( Exception e )
System.err.println("Exception in connection close() :"+ e );