Sundar Gopal

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since Jun 20, 2003
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Recent posts by Sundar Gopal

Planning to take Websphere MQ system admin test 994. If somebody has already done that, then i request them to share their experiences and how to go about it.
once the response is committed we can't set the header. you have used flushBuffer() which commits the response which forces any content in the buffer to be written to the client. A call to this method automatically commits the response, meaning the status code and headers will be written.
20 years ago
u can have a folder inside web-inf/classes. and inside that package you can have ur servlet class but u have to configure the path in the web deployment descriptor....<servlet-path> param...
20 years ago
you can also do like this. put an object in the user session.... lets say username when he logon to the system and check for that object username in the following jsp pages in the session. like this
<% String userName = session.getAttribute("username");

if(userName == null || some other condition you have to check....){

all the presentation goes here......

<% } %> // this brace is for the above else..

if the user has logged out or if the session expires the session attribute is lost and so the user will always be directed to the login page or the error page which u will mention even he presses the back button of the browser. but if he has a valid session the entier page will excecute without problem. i think this approach solves your problem......
20 years ago
Is there a way to mark the pages as secured( for URL to change as HTTPS) and unsecured(Using only HTTP).
can u elaborate more on the above line so that i can understand your problem correctly..
20 years ago
i am going to give my part-1 scea on 18th august 2004. i am on the final preparation. any feedback on which area to concentrate more at this time, concepts to be reviewed etc.. is much appreciated. eagerly expecting ur valueble feedback.
thanks in advance....
but the above java class also works only if i configure datasource in my system for the excel file so that each worksheet will be like a table. this is not the solution i am searching for. i am in need of a better solution. your valueble inputs highly appreciated...
20 years ago
thanks for your response. i used poi only to generate the excel file and i send it to client with a URL in it. the client after modifying the excel when he cliks the url has to update the modified data to the db. this is the scenario.
if i use HSSS i am not getting the values in the excel from the client side since i cannot load the file from the client and read it.
i am having a java class which reads the data good. but if i access the class via servlet its not working. my java class is like this........

package excel;

* @author gsundar
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.DriverManager;

public class ExcelReaderClass{
public static void main( String [] args )
Connection c = null;
Statement stmnt = null;
Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );
c = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc dbc:Report_sheet");
stmnt = c.createStatement();

String table = "Report_Sheet$";

String query = "select * from" +"\"" + table + "\"";
ResultSet rs = stmnt.executeQuery(query);

System.out.println( "Found the following in the excel:" );
while( )
System.out.print( rs.getString(1)+" " );
System.out.print( rs.getString(2)+" " );
System.out.print( rs.getString(3)+" " );
System.out.print( rs.getString(4)+" " );
catch( Exception e )
System.err.println( "Exception in class :"+e );
catch( Exception e )
System.err.println("Exception in connection close() :"+ e );
20 years ago
can anybody tell me how to read an excel file stored in the client machine thru a servlet and populate the datas to the db .
20 years ago
thanks for your response. actually the query takes nearly 45 mins to complete and its differs according to the user. will it be possible to cache that all!!! thats why i need to know about the session timeout priorities. kindly help me if u have any suggestion to increase the query performance.
20 years ago
i have a servlet which will take atleast 5 mins to complete the service() method(imagine) due to some complex EIS query. i need to know one thing that if i set my session timeout period to say 1 minute and i enter the servlet what priority i will be getting. that is since i am yet to get the response from the server, my session will be active or since the time taken to cater my request takes more than the session time out interval, so my session will be getting invalidated.
20 years ago
hi all,
i want to know on which version of EJB's does question arise in the scea exam part-1. Likewise guide me reg. security objective. i.e some recommended reading on it!!!
[Edited by the moderator. See my message below ]
[ May 27, 2004: Message edited by: Ajith Kallambella ]
hi all. i am doing internationalization using jsp's and servlets. if there are any example ear availble kindly post that so that i can have better idea of implementing it.
thanks in advance.
Sundargopal [email protected]
20 years ago