abiodun emmanual

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since Jun 23, 2003
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Recent posts by abiodun emmanual

Hi all,
I'm having problems accessing a soap server running on my machine using Axis. I get a ClassCastException at runtime error whenever I use the service stub to invoke a method, the same problem also occurs when I try to invoke methods that return void. I'm not too sure whether the problem is with the soap server or with my code, if anyone can shed any light on this problem it would be of great help.

thanks for your time,
Abbey Adeyeye
19 years ago
Hi all, is it possible to authenticate a J2ME client on a J2ee server
(using J2EE authentication).
At the moment I'm using just basic programmatic authentication like just comparing the username and pword with that of the dbase, but I dont know
how safe this method is from restricting the client from resources the should not be accessing. So Is it possible to set up a Mobile users security group with the server and authenticate the j2me client. I looked at some WML code for cwap and it appeared that for authentication the request was sent as :- j_security_check?name=$email&j_password=$pincode.
Is it possible to do a similar thing.
Thanks for your time
21 years ago
Hi all, I've looked through a plethora of MIDP textbooks and none of them
seem to mention anything about how I can access the user mobile device info such as the clients/users telephone number, or their telephone book entries. I assume like with applets, that J2ME MIdlets are sandboxed and are restricted from accessing specific things. Thanks for your time.
21 years ago
Is there a way to authenticate a user and by pass the security logon form in a class (Action or Jbean).
For example when a new user enters their registration info, is there a way
that I can direct them to the "logged on" screen (since I already have their security info) without the Container trying to protect the "logged on" resource and directing the user to the logon screen, because the user is not formally authenticated. Thanx for your time
21 years ago
Hello Im sorry to bother evryone but I have a small problem with declaring taglib libs, I know that there are several ways of declaring taglib libs in the web.xml file. All the examples I seem to find like to declare it like this:-
<taglib-uri>/WEB-INF/app.tld</taglib-uri> <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/app.tld</taglib-location>
ie saying that the .tld file is located in the web-inf dir, but when using the struts jar file it already has all the .tld files inside the meta-inf dir of the struts.jar file, so why do I then need to copy the .tld file that I require from struts.jar to web-inf dir. Is there no way that I could declare something like this for the struts tags inside my web.xml file:-
ie saying that the .tld file is inside the struts jar file.
thanku for your time
21 years ago
Im sorry if this sounds really silly (here goes),
when a user logs out of web site, and they are directed to the "You have now logged out, thankyou for using the site" page, how does the
application know to invalidate the authentication stuff that was entered by the user when they logged in, ie if the user logs out and leaves the
computer is it possible that another user on the same computer can view the earlier users info by pressing the "back" button, Or is the solution to invalidate the the controller session bean.
Or just as there is a special notion of a Login page that u can specify in the web.xml deployment descriptor, that the app knoiws it must go to to for authentication purposes, is there one for Logging Off/out you can specify. Thankyou 4 your time
21 years ago