Rishi Wright

Ranch Hand
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since Jun 25, 2003
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Recent posts by Rishi Wright

Thanks for the reply BUT Exactly what I wanted to know is
how the servlet engine works and which init method it calls in different cases
like 1)When I override init()
2)when I override init(config)
3)and when I dont override any init?
when servlet engine loads the servlet for the first time, will it call GenricServlet init method or will it look for overridien init method in myServlet?
Thank you
20 years ago
Please let me know my concept regarding init method of servlet is correct or not....
1)If I override init() method(w/o any parameters) in myServlet
Then the servlet engine calls init(ServletConfig) of GenericServlet which in turn calls the init() method defined in myServlet
2)If I override init(ServletConfig) method in myServlet
Then the servlet engine calls init(ServletConfig) of myServlet and we call super.init(ServletConfig) to get proper servlet config object.

3) init(ServletConfig) in GenericServlet must be called in either way for proper initialization of myServlet.
Thanks in advance
20 years ago
I have to give an java assessment test(its a brainbench test) for an job offer.
Did anyone have any experience with this type of assessment tests especially with brainbench..if so could you please share how the exam pattern will be and the toughness of the exam?
Thank you in advance
20 years ago
Hi 'all
I have a 4 years of development experience,recently SCJP certified and pursuing SCWCD.I am trying for a job seeking H1 sponsorship with no positive results..
I dont want to waste my time and knowledge sitting at home..
I recently came across with the topic like open source projects ,and Iam keen to know more about those projects.
anybody 's help will be greatly appreciated
my questions are
Is there any necessary requirements to join a opensource project?
Pl suggest some good sites to join the project.
can I mention this type of experince in my resume?
Does the open source project pay anything? or do we need pay to participate in such projects?

Hope somebody can spare some time to answer all the questions
Thanks in advance
20 years ago
Hi Jeeny,
whenever a overloaded method was called with a parameter that can be assaignable to more than one overloaded method ,
then the method whose parameter(s) are assaignable to other method parameter type will be called.
In your example u can always assaign Object[]o type to the reference of type Object(i.e Object o in your case)
Hope u got it.

Today I passed SCJP1.4 with 91%...
I havent read any certification book just followed javaranch discussion forum and did some mock exams last week.

Thank you to all ranchers for making this possible especially Corey ,maha anna ,Tony and Alton whose discussions made me strong in the language....

Exam was quite easy ..I missed few questions just because I overlooked the theory part..especially Garbage collection on which I was quite confident before the exam...
Now I have to search for a job with my previous working experience..

Once again thanks one and all ranchers..I will stick to the site hoping to be helpful to other ranchers..
20 years ago
Recently I have seen this question in Technopark mock exam ..and mainly I came across this in javaranch discussions by maha anna..
I dont have jdk 1.2 so I never tried in that..

hi 'all
In all mock exams the following gives an compile time error
public class Test {
public static void main(String args[ ] ) {
System.out.println(null + true); //1
System.out.println(true + null); //2
System.out.println(null + null); //3
but when Iam trying it ,this comiples fine(iam using Jdk1.4) and gives the output as nulltrue,truenull and nullnull.
what should be the answer if such question comes in real exam??
thnak u
but then why the following code is not giving any error
class FrequencyException extends Exception{
public class Note{
public static void main(String argv[]){
System.out.print(n.tune()); }
public int tune(){
return play(444);
}catch(Exception e){
}catch(FrequencyException fe){
} }
public int play(int iFrequency)throws FrequencyException{
return 1; }}

I guess when a method throws a checked exception there MUST be a throw statement in the method.here 'play' is not having any ..
is there any thing wrong in this theory...
thank you
Hi 'All
I have a small doubt
class FrequencyException extends Exception{

in the above declaration does FrequencyException is a checked exception or is it a runtime exception??
Thank you
Hi 'all
here is a question from technopark mock test
All public methods in the Thread class are static and therefore only affect the current thread.
Answer :True
I couldn't understand the above as there are public methods in Thread class which r not static???
Hi 'LL
I wanted to know why an overriding method cannot throw any checked exception other than the same excpetion or subclass of an exception thrown by the overrridden method??
why java made it necessary..
thank you
can anyone please suggest some mock exmas exclusively for scjp 1.4 objectives becoz whatever mocks Iam trying(90%) they r designed for 1.2.so Iam not able validate myself..
thank you
Thnx Corey and Jose I got it in JLS
Hi 'LL
Does static varibales and static block run and stored on stack while compliling source files(i.e while making class file???)???
this was the code I was doing

class Supcls{
static int i;
static{ i=20;}
the above code is stored in Supcls.java file
The below code stored in Test.java and both files stored in same package(default)
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Supcls supob=new Supcls();
when I ran the java Test it is printing the value of static var i.
my question is when does the static variables /static block in Supcls initiated?
[ August 19, 2003: Message edited by: Rishi Wright ]