ZhiYuan Lin

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since Jun 30, 2003
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my code :

the error infomation :
org.w3c.dom.DOMException: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: An attempt was made to insert a node where it is not permitted.

at org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl.insertBefore(Unknown Source)

at org.apache.xerces.dom.NodeImpl.appendChild(Unknown Source)

Before, I use this code , it is worked :

But I want to add the DTD, how to do it ?

[ October 11, 2004: Message edited by: Madhav Lakkapragada ]
hi Ernest :
thank you again
en, I see, but I known how to set the classpath in my system, it is error?
java -classpath app\system\dao\entity\UserDAOEntity.class app.system.dao.DAOFactory
o, I will find the right form.
21 years ago
hi Azriel:
thank you.
I don't use specify ClassLoader.
I just use the to make code more clear and easily to extend.

but it can't work
21 years ago
thank you!
but it is still can't work
in the method main()

because they are part of my project, i think don't need to put them explicitly on the classpath
I have put it on classpath, it is can't work too
java -classpath app\system\dao\entity\UserDAOEntity.class app.system.dao.DAOFactory
21 years ago
I uses the two path to get a new object:

the other:

In the test, I use JCreator, and use javac java , it is ok.
but when I put it to my projects, It is throw ClassNotFoundException
I use to put all the classes that I need. Is OK?
In the test, I still have put it in the path as in real project. It still can work.
how to make sure the ClassLoader can find my classes???
21 years ago
1, it talks about the classes
2, it talks about the objects
a line with an arrow is a association in class diagram.
I not sure about the the visibility between objects , I think it is the messages between two objects.
as the subject: Is the pooling of ejb will help the Availability?
AConnection Less
BConnection Base
A : Still regarded as connection-less as it�s acceptable for the client or server to drop the connection at any time (e.g. Apache uses a 15 sec timeout on keep-alive sockets), client will re-establish the connection.
B : HTTP uses TCP/IP as the underlying transport and network protocols.
but which should i choose ?
O, i got it.
thank you very much! Mark,Jim,Tony
hi,Jim thank you for your detailed answer, i will learn the Channel
hi,Mark I will follow "You should just create one instance of this class when you start up the server, then just pass the reference to each client as it connects to the server." it light me
hi jim, you say "Synchronizing on Data.class is a bit ugly " but what other is can do it. I have asked should the Data be single one, your answer is no need to do. But, is there something can prevent multiple clients from creating at same time other than synchronizing on Data.class?
I think to lock the database is the one approach.
but i still have one other doubt, during one client reads a record, the other client updates. How to protect my database?( premise : my Data is not single one, it will give a new Data instance for each remote client. )
My createRecord() is synchronized, but i still have some doubt. Because my Data is not single one, it will give a new Data instance for each remote client. If two remote clients create record at same time, use the synchronized can not prevent them from doing it at same time. is it?
during the creating, i lockRecord(-1) ,because i think the recordCount that is the sum number of record is changed. and it will be used in finding or other places. is it right? or just need to lockRecord(++recordCount)?