This is my first question, sorry if this is a bit obvious, but I am baffled. Find classpath stuff a little scary!
Have followed as many suggestions and tutorials as I can find but I still can't seem to connect to the mySQL database I have created using Connector/J.
Tried to follow the Cattle Drive JDBC tutorial 1, but same error message appears when I try to run the Test java file.
1. I have installed MySQL (C:\mysql), created a databse (bibliography), and created a little table (AUTHOR). I am able to see the table in the console: sql>select * from author
2. I have downloaded the latest version of Connector/J (mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-stable.zip), and unzipped the zip file into my C:\ directory.
3. I copied the mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-stable-bin.jar to the C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\jre\lib\ext folder, and placed it in the jakarta tomcat 4.1.24\common\lib directory.
Should I alter my classpath as well?
My classpath currently looks like this:
4. I have succesfully compiled a Java program usingTextPad, (Test.java):
5. When I run this java file, I get this message:
"...could not load JDBC driver:java.lang.ClassNotFounfExcepption: mysql.jdbc.Driver"
What am I doing wrong?
Tom Bevan
[ edited to preserve formatting using the [code] and [/code]
UBB tags -ds ]
[ July 02, 2003: Message edited by: Dirk Schreckmann ]