Grishma Dube

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since Jul 01, 2003
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Never Mind. I was able to resolve the issue. It was infrastructure issue where 1 .so file was missing on Unix box and POI was using that it seems.

11 years ago
Hi All,

I have a functionality to download excel template which is deployed on WAS6. It has 2 JVMs. When request is routed to 1 of the JVMs, the below code works fine and template is getting downloaded.

But when it routing to 2nd node, the download functionality fails. There is no error in logs but its forwarding control to error page.

What could be the reason of failing it on 1 particular node. When i'm running the same code on tomcat server, never faced this issue.

Thanks in Adv.
11 years ago

My application is referring some 3rd party jars. If i am keeping them in TOMCAT/shared/lib then my application is working fine.
Is there any way to refer these jars without putting them in server specific location. Server is shared by multiple applications and not all the applications need these jars
and moreover i will not have access to server folders on production.

12 years ago

I am trying to connect to informatica server from Java using Load Manager SDK provided by informatica. There are JAR files such as JlmApi.jar which has dependency on few DLL files.
I wrote 1 standalone Java class using Eclipse IDE and running it in eclipse using Run As > Java Application. I have kept DLLs in the 1 folder under C:\ and have put this in System PATH. And all the required JAR files in lib folder and added them in Java Build path in eclipse. This works fine and connects to the Informatica server and bring me the required details.

Now i have a requirement where i have a Struts application and on click of button it should make informatica connection and bring the required details. For this i've created TOMCAT project in Eclipse and have put all required JARs in WEB-INF/lib folder and DLLs in C:\ and this folder is in PATH. When i click on the button, its able to connect to informatica server but after connection, when it tries to login to the server, its not able to do so and throws this error:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.lm.JLMConnection10.nativeLogin(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/informatica/powercenter/sdk/lm/Result;)V

Please let me know if i need to change anything from Java Standalone application to TOMCAT web application.

12 years ago

I am trying to figure out the way to run existing informatica workflow from Java class. The informatica server is not on the local machine but placed remotely.
I am complete naive to Informatica. I have below questions -
1. How do we connect to informatica server from Java
2. How can we invoke any workflow by passing params from Java class

I will be grateful to you, if you can provide some code samples for this.

13 years ago
I have 2 screens in my application which are having search functionality. On both the screen, search works fine on Tomcat.
Also for one screen search is working fine on Websphere but another screen, it doesn't fetch any data.

The screen which is fetching data is passing input from JSP to Action class through ActionForm where as the screen which is not fetching data is passing input from JSP to Action class through request meaning i'm getting input text as request.getParameter("firmName") here. I tried"firmName"), "UTF-8").trim(); but still it doesn't work.

Any idea, how to resolve this issue.
13 years ago
Hi All,

My application uses Java 1.4 and it runs on Tomcat 1.5 and WAS6.1.

We have some firm names that are stored in Oracle 11g DB in French such as QMéEC or Panamé N.A. We have a search criteria page where user is entering complete firm name like this QMéEC and same is being passed to backend procedure as String input param. When the search is happening on tomcat, the procedure is returning us correct data. Also when printed input param on Eclipse IDE consol where tomcat is running, it displayed exact string that was entered by user.

When same search is tried on WAS server, the procedure doesn't return any data. When printed the logs of that server (logs are in HTML), the input param was having a question mark in firm name like this QM?. Due to this search is not working on WAS server. We have following configurations in web.xml:

Can someone please help me in identifying this issue.

Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
Hi All,

I have a BLOB file where PDF document is stored. I am getting that PDF doc thru BLOB and displaying it inline by setting content type as ("application/pdf")
But to improve the performance of this page, we want to display the contents of this PDF as html on screen.

Any idea what will the best way to convert PDF into html. I am trying PDFBox 3rd party to convert pdf to html..but is there any other better way to do this?

13 years ago
Hi All,

We have a requirement where a file will be uploaded to a application (that can be in any format like pdf, txt, doc, img, hmt) and will get stored into Oracle DB as BLOB.
I need to display the contents of that BLOB file as HTML text. Any idea how to do that?

Also the file will be stored in cache for future use. But we do want to use any 3rd party caching tool. How to do it with Java?

13 years ago
Hi Sandeep,

Each thread is processing approx 1 lac records...processing meaing with the help of Lucene, it does indexing and searching of the records..There are 32 lacs records and every 1 lac records, it creates 1 thread.

Hope this helps.

By processing time i meant, time difference between start and end of thread.

Issue here is each time i am running that rule engine (same server, same configuration, same # of records, same # of threads created) but every time the time taken is different. And believe me its huge difference.

1st run - took 81 mins to complete the whole job with 32 threads
2nd run - took 147.0 mins to complete the same job
3rd run - took 117.0 mins to complete the same job
4th run - took 160.0 mins to complete the same job

All the internal/external factors are same, still such a huge time difference in completing the same job in each run. I dont know, how to trubbleshoot this problem. Where should i exactly look for the problem - code, server configuration, CPU?
Hi All,

I am working on a Rule Engine Application, which is implementing Apache Lucene for indexing. The performance of this application is poor and incosistent.
We are trying to findout a bottleneck which is hitting the performance.

This application creates threads to process the records and for each 1lac records, it creates one thread. Now when I am running a test each time I've 32lacs records, so it exactly creates 32 threads and processing the same set of records but the processing time for each of these threads is different all the time inspite of the same records and same server configuration. The difference is more than an hour.

Could you guess the reason for this also. Processing time for each thread is depending on what all factors?

I also born & brought up in Mumbai and always loved this city with its own problems. But went to Hyderabad and stayed there for almost 3 yrs. I loved that city more than Mumbai. I just returned back to M'bai due to personal reasons but I would definately prefer hyd over B'glore or any other city in India. I mainly loved it because less traffic, new infrastructure of the city, plenty of big IT companies and weather (if you can bear 2-3 months of hot summer, rest of the time is good), plenty of new restaurants, malls, sightseeing, etc, etc.
Only issue there is a language, rest is all good.
14 years ago

Today I am going meet people who are selfish and short tempered
But I am not surprised because I cannot imagine this world without such people around. - Mahatma Gandhi

14 years ago