martin samm

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since Nov 09, 2000
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Recent posts by martin samm

not the response of a normal person though, eh?
22 years ago
i'm using version 1.x on tomcat 3.3.1 (linux) but i presume the premise is the same, apart from the fact it looks for poolman.props. Try putting it under $TOMCAT_HOME/lib, or, as i;ve done keep a directory of jars for utilities etc and modify the tomcat startup script to add that dir to the classpath as well as all *.jar's to the classpath
22 years ago
i presume you're running it on the same machine? i.e. can the machine giving the error 'see' the database? Also if it is a different database, is it restricted by IP? I'm not used to DB2, but certainly the above for Oracle would suggest the database has been brought down.
depends on the context of the operations. You may want to use a command pattern if it's a web application, and offload the business logic to the 'model' components.
there's a lot of discussion about this on the Struts mailing list - to the <a href="">Jakarta Homepage</a> and from there go the Struts area where you can find the mailing list archive - that's be your best bet
22 years ago
I've got some custom tags and have noticed, using JProbe that they seem to 'hang around' in memory for a long time, but do get cleared on requesting Garbage collection.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
22 years ago
i'm not an expert at Applet to database comms, but is the connection from the applet trying to use mysql's standard port which could be blocked (default is 3306)
i havent done this on SQL Server, only Oracle, but basically to get a BLOB you need to open a stream to it, so use the resultSet's getBlob() method into a java.sql.Blob, then use the Blob's getBinaryStream and read from it into a buffer.
Then perform the reverse - there is a catch however. If you're updating an existing row, the select it's Blob column (remembering the 'for update' clause) get a binary stream to it a read the buffer from above into it. If your inserting a new row, then create it with an empty_blob() in the Blob field (Oracle function) and the do as the previous case, select it (for update), get it's Blob, get a binary stream and read the buffer into it.
Hope that helps - check out, there's plenty of Oracle based JDBC help there
make sure you have spaces at the end of the lines, so that your clauses, like 'where' are not joined to the end of the previous line.
22 years ago
how about using perl & regexp across all you .java files or if you're using Apache have a 404 handler which redirects X.jhtml to .jsp?
22 years ago
i had a similar problem with tomcat 3-3. Are you using (as supplied by Oracle) for the Oracle JDBC classes? Try renaming the file to .jar rather than .zip - seems Tomcat (at least with 3-3) has a mysterious problem with the .zip extension. Hope that helps
how about trying regexp (IBM's regexp4j or Apaches jakarta-oro)? Create a full query string with placeholders and perform search/replace with the data you receive.
I have to admit i haven't tried this, but it sounds feasible.
the connection string is missing a colon. It should be :
jdbc racle:thin:@<machineip/name>:<port>:<sid>
i dont know if it's a typo in your posting, but you need a ':' between 1521 and orcl (should be machineip:1521 rcl
try a server side include - not sure sure if this is Apache specific however
22 years ago