Mansi Vyas

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since Jul 01, 2003
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Recent posts by Mansi Vyas

Do we need to be familiar with exponent notation for the exam?
e.g. float f = 43e1;
Thanks for the info.
By the way, do u know where I can get information on the rules for precedence?
Here's the code:
boolean b1 = false;
boolean b2 = false;
if (b2 = b1 != b2)
} else
The output for this code is: false. I'm confused as to why the expression b1 != b2 is evaluated first. What is the logic here?
This topic is from some time ago, but I had another question. What about the paramerters passed into the constructor? Shouldn't super() and this() also be allowed to access these parameters?
I'm confused about the inner class being declared private. Here's the question:
What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this program:
public class Outer
public String name = "Outer";
public static void main(String argv[])
Inner i = new Inner();
}//End of main
private class Inner
String name =new String("Inner");
void showName()
}//End of Inner class
1) Compile and run with output of "Outer"
2) Compile and run with output of "Inner"
3) Compile time error because Inner is declared as private
4) Compile time error because of the line creating the instance of Inner
The correct answer is option 4. I thought that the program would also generate a compile time error because Inner is declared as private, but it seems to work fine. Why is this the case?
Pls help.
I'm having a hard time with this topic; more specifically, I'm having a hard time doing these problems quickly. Where can I get more practice on this topic?
Hi Everyone,
Do we need to study the actual methods associated with the different collection classes (i.e. Vector, ArrayList, Hashtable...)?
Hi Everyone,
Where can I get more info. on what the steps are for scheduling the 1.4 exam?
Here there are 3 different mock exams for Marcus Green. These are for version 1.2 of the exam. Are there also 3 different exams for the 1.4 exam?
Hi everyone,
What are some good mock exams for the 1.4 exam? Which ones are most similar to the mock exams in Bert and Kathy's book?
addWidget() method is defined as static, so how can u use it in conjuction with this?
I am confused about the rule which states: "You can access static variables and methods, although you can use them only as part of the call to super() or this(). (Example: super(Animal.DoThings()) )"
Why does the following code compile okay (p.327 - Exam Cram):
class Widget extends Thingee
static private int widgetCount = 0;
public String wName;
int wNumber;
private static syncronized int addWidget()
return ++widgetCount();
public Widget()
wNumber = addWidget();
According to this rule, shouldn't the compiler complain about the addWidget call of a static method in the Widget constructor?
Mallige mentioned that the test was similar to Dan's exams. Based on past threads, I thought that Dan's exams were more difficult than the real test. I thought that Kathy's and Bert's book exams were more similar to the real test. Is this correct?
21 years ago