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please look up the weblogic.properties file more carefully and edit it so that the document root path is where you want your .jsp file to be read from and the working directory is also set properly for the same. You will have to make a coupla changes to the weblogic classpath as well. it is not enough that you set the system/ user environment classpath, cause weblogic sometimes takes only the weblogic.classpath settings.
all the best
gautham kasinath
23 years ago
check your classpath in the weblogic.cmd file.
it will help
23 years ago
hi! well U will have to adjust the classpath in the startweblogic.cmd file that should help. more over you will have to adjust the weblogic jsp properties in the weblogic.properties file..
well in the .cmd file adjust the java_classpath and the weblogic_classpath entries to point to your classes,
to run the jsp files adjust the weblogic.properties file so that the working directory is set to that where you desire it to be.
it works i ve tried the same.
all the best
23 years ago
well U sure can do it.. just go thru the Java 2d or 3d api..
itz possible..
23 years ago
hi! I am having a certain problem with applets, more specifically on the Text Area, even after I append the text area using the textareaobject.append(String), the String is not displayed on the textarea, but when I get the textarea contents with the textareaobject.gettext() method the String is fetched, please tell me what the problem is all about since i am unable to resolve the same.
a timely and fast help will be appreciated.
gautham kasinath
mail me at: gkasinath@hotmail.com
23 years ago