Mehdi Chaouachi

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since Jul 02, 2003
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Recent posts by Mehdi Chaouachi

I had the same problem with liferay earlier. While I didnt find a perfect solution, I found a temporary one.

You can place your images in the liferay folder (under tomcat) and then use the "/" in your image. I thik this is a known problem with liferay, I dont know if they have solved it yet or not.
19 years ago
The most popular java portals currently are the following :
- Liferay
- Exo
- JBoss
19 years ago
Java Portets (jsr168) are designed to server that purpose. Which is to integrate different modules together. You dont have to rewrite your previous modules into portlets if you dont want to, there is a portlet bridge which you can use to integrate existing applications. I dont remeber the link now but if you need let me know and I will look it up.

As for the cms, Liferay includes a very good cms built in addition to its portal features.
19 years ago
Thank you for opening the forum.
I will do my best to inform the community.

19 years ago
Here is what I can do if you open the forum:

For the next month, I will keep regularly posting to the portlet yahoo group, mentionning the creation of this forum, I will also post direct links so that the folks over there can come and post thier questions here.
I am also a regular of the liferay, jboss, and exo portals forums, so obviously I will keep mentionning it in thier foums,( which I have to admit are poor in support).
If you need any help moderating the forum, I can also help.

19 years ago
Yes, people stopped posting questions because they stopped coming here. I know about it because I am a protlet developer annd I am a memeber of the yahoo portlet group, which is getting an average og 10 to 20 messages a day.
there are also forums of liferay portal,exo portal, and other opensource and commercial portal servers, but there is no central loacltion where people could find enough information and people to ask about the topic.
19 years ago
Why dont we have a forum for Portlets and Portal, it is a happening topic nowadays and there are so many people developping ofr commercial and opensource protal.
Sure I would love to have a place where i can find portlet developement specific info and help.

Please advise administrators.

Why dont we have a forum for Portlets and Portal, it is a happening topic nowadays and there are so many people developping ofr commercial and opensource protal.
Sure I would love to have a place where i can find portlet developement specific info and help.

Please advise administrators.

19 years ago
what is Lucene anyway?

Originally posted by Pradeep Chopra:
Hi Keristufer:

I apologize for the dissatisfaction you had out of our service in the past. Honestly speaking, we faced breakdown in our CRM (Customer Relationship Management) due to two reasons:
a.) Server/System Crash
b.) One member leaving us

Does this mean that when a person leaves you, your whole support system goes down !!!

If I was a competitor, I would hire three of your employees, and kaboum, you will close!!! cool


Originally posted by Meng XiaoXi:
who can tell me the IP address of, my DNS cannot find it. thanks.


DNS Report
Hi Sathya,
Just wanted to know how much you got ?