Santosh Maskar

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Recent posts by Santosh Maskar

Texity Systems is looking for candidates having the following profile:

  • Java Developers, Leads and Architects (3-10 years)

  • * Strong development experience in Java/J2EE with at least one industry grade application server such as JBoss
    * Hands on experience with JSP/Servlet, Javascript/AJAX programming AND/OR
    * Web Services, EJB, JMS, iBatis/Hibernate and Spring

  • Mobile Application Developers, Leads and Architects (2-8 years)

  • * Significant experience with any of the following mobile application technologies: J2ME, BREW, Symbian
    * Excellent C/C++/Java programming skills with strong understanding of data structures and algorithms

    Selection criteria:

    1. Great problem solving and analytical skills
    2. Good communication and team work
    3. In-depth knowledge of CS fundamentals and good software design and
    programming skills

    Please send your resume to [email protected] in case you�re interested. Please mention number of years of experience and JAVA or MOBILE as per your interest.

    All positions are based in Pune, India.
    [ November 07, 2007: Message edited by: Santosh Maskar ]
    17 years ago

    Originally posted by Mohan Karthick:
    Friends please let me know.
    I am working on following-

    Adobe LC Design ,weblogic Portal development,
    BEA ALDSP 2.5 Aqualogic Data service platform
    BEA ALSB 2.6 Aqualogic service Bus

    Can any body guide the demand and exposure of above tools, I thing exp. in hibernate and spring will be more usefull
    let me know the scope of bea products

    I would suggest you to see the Client List of BEA from
    17 years ago
    Texity Systems ( is looking for candidates with 1-6 years of experience having the following profile:

    Java/J2EE programmers:
    1. Strong development experience in Java (or any other equivalent Object
    Oriented Programming language)
    2. Experience in J2EE technologies such as JMS, EJB etc. and frameworks
    such as Struts and Hibernate is preferred.
    3. Experience in application development using XML is strongly desired
    4. The candidate must have strong Computer Science fundamentals.
    5. Bachelor's/Master's degree in computer science or engineering from a
    recognized institute

    Mobile application (J2ME/Symbian/BREW) programmers:
    1. Strong development experience in at least one of the J2ME or Symbian or BREW programming environment preferred.
    2. Excellent data structure and algorithm skills and solid C or C++ programming experience.
    3. Bachelor's/Master's degree in computer science or engineering from a
    recognized institute

    Selection criteria:

    1. Great problem solving and analytical skills
    2. Good communication and team work
    3. In-depth knowledge of CS fundamentals and good software design and
    programming skills

    Please send your resume to [email protected] in case you�re interested. Please mention number of years of experience and JAVA or MOBILE as per your interest.

    Santosh Maskar
    Java and Internet Engineering Group.
    [ July 05, 2007: Message edited by: Santosh Maskar ]
    17 years ago
    Is there java framework/API available to convert XML document into MS Excel (all Version/ or above MS97).

    I know about Apache POI but it performance is not good.
    Yes Ulf,you are correct. I am facing problem while retrieving the WSDL file over HTTP.
    18 years ago

    I am trying to import the WSDL uri ( from jsp page. I have one text box where user can paste the above url and press the import button. I am getting the url in my form bean but it is not parsing the wsdl file. I need to parse the wsdl using its uri,

    I can parse the wsdl when it is on my local machine. if someone can point me the link/doc it would be great help.
    18 years ago
    I have "<html:checkbox property="selectedCheckBox" value="msgId"/>" in my JSP

    here are the respective getter/setter methods for this

    private boolean selectedCheckBox= false;

    public boolean isSelectedCheckBox() {
    return selectedCheckBox;
    * @param selectedCheckBox The selectedCheckBox to set.
    public void setSelectedCheckBox(boolean selectedCheckBox) {
    this.selectedCheckBox = selectedCheckBox;

    When I try to get the value of checkbox(when used checked from JSP) in my action class It always return fase whether it is checked or unchecked

    Can someone help on this.

    [ May 01, 2006: Message edited by: Santosh Maskar ]
    18 years ago
    Thank you Merrill

    Originally posted by Merrill Higginson:

    String mstrName = getResources(request).getMessage(getLocale(request), "PrpName");

    Both of the aboe code snippets retrieved the contents of the message when I tried them for a message key I know exists in my file.

    I think my resource bundle file is not loading
    but when i use the Tag lib using the following call I can get the resource bundle file.
    pageContext.setAttribute(resourceKey, resourceBundle, PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE);

    Is there any way to set the resourcekey and bundlefile name so that I can get these two things in my action class.

    I am thining If I can set the request.setAttribute()

    Please comment!!!11
    [ May 01, 2006: Message edited by: Santosh Maskar ]
    18 years ago
    How to pass a parameter from resource bundle key

    for e.g.

    Key = Age should be greater than {0} as of now

    Expecting : Age should be greater than <b>drop down list</b> as of now
    18 years ago

    Originally posted by Merrill Higginson:
    However, the Action class that your Action extends has some methods that will accomplish the same thing as the RequestUtils.message() method does.

    use this code instead:

    mstrName = getResources(request).getMessage("PrpName");

    this is returning the ???en_US.firstname??? instead of Firt Name
    18 years ago
    In this following code I need Object of type PageContext in the following code to pass in the RequestUtil.message(), is there any way to get the pagecontext object,

    public class MyAction extends Action
    public ActionForward doExecute(ActionMapping mapping,
    ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) {
    //initilization code here

    mstrName = RequestUtils.message(pageContextobj, resourceKey, null, "PrpName");


    18 years ago
    I am getting the following exception on my web browser when I try to access the action

    [ServletException in:/jsp/displayName.jsp] Cannot find bean TestForm in any scope'

    here is my struts config


    <form-bean name="TestForm" type="com.src.TestForm" />

    <action name="TestForm"
    path="mytiles" />



    <message-resources key="com.src.Management" null="false" parameter="myMessages" />


    tiles config file.


    <!-- Deployment Requests -->
    <definition extends="myDef" name="mytiles">
    <put name="body" value="/jsp/displayName.jsp" />


    Can anybody tell me what is wrong in this configuration
    [ April 15, 2006: Message edited by: Santosh Maskar ]
    18 years ago
    Thanks for your valuable responses. We had finalized the Socket option.

    The best option to tranfer the data structures is the real issue.
    We have Java Classes and C/C++ structures defined. When data will flow on socket how to map C/C++ stucture to Java Object?

    1) Send data in string tokenized format
    2) Use JNI at Java side to convert C/C++ structure to JAva
    3) Send XML between the processes.

    The issue is, system needs to be very performace centric. XML does not seems to be vaibale option.

    Please let me know the best pattern for this data communication.
    18 years ago
    Need information about C++ and JAVA process communication ?

    If possible differentiate the approaches based on following attributes -

    1. Performance
    2. Extensible
    3. Maintenance
    4. Easy of use
    18 years ago
    Hi All,

    Is there any free tool which will create a graphical application page flow using my strutconfig.xml, I tried with StrtUI but somoe how it is not working

    I need to create a Graphical view of my strut config.xml file

    any link will help me.
    18 years ago