cyril vidal

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Recent posts by cyril vidal

Hi Jayadev,

i would say that Howard's book would not be sufficient and that for more complete information, you should read some ibm redbooks, like:
EJB2.0 development with Websphere Studio
Scalability and performance ( i had some questions about clustering, a subject that is not handled in 287's guide)
and Websphere Security.

Just my two cents,
i didn't find questions explicitly asked in pre-assment test.
However, questions are quite closed.
About 6 or 7 questions specific to IBM configuration, wizzard, web.xml, datasource in distributed environment with XA, etc. These are quite tricky...
Some other questions about real scenarios with transactions, EJB,
Other questions are not difficult if you have passed Sun exams on EJB and JSP/servlets.

Good luck,
Thanks all four congratulations although it's not a good score...
Next is SCDJWS or IBM 340..


Passed IBM 287 yesterday with 73%.
This exam is more difficult than Sun one's (SCWCD + SCBCD).
You have to know things specific to IBM Websphere, like EJB inheritance, etc.


Howard's book isn't enough. Study ibm redbooks: SG24-6198-01 (IBM WebSphere Performance, Scalability, and
High Availability) at least some chapters and SG24-6195-00 (IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0 System Management and Configuration)

In fact, howard's book is nothing more than copy/paste of IBM Redbooks..
You may also add IBM Websphere v5.0 security redbook in the list of copied books .
So, if you want to own ony one book instead of three, get Howard's book.
But it will cost you $65;-))

Hi Vishnu,

I will try to answer your questions.

5�) B is not correct as HttpSession is more efficient than stateful Session Bean.

11�) It's true that A is correct as you can use ejbSelect methods in the ejbHome to return entities. but the real difference and advantage of ejbSelect methods comes from their ability to return CMP and CMR also. So answer B is better than answer A. cf spec 10.5.7 for more details.

20�) order of attributes in XML doesn't have any importance. the question is about application scope that refers to object of type ServletContext.

23�) I agree with you. A and D should be correct. Who said B was correct and why??? Role A isn't allowed to access Black methods anything after it...

25�) munna explained why D was not correct. Also B is not correct because unlike class attribute, when only specifying a type attribute, in case of nothing in the scope is found, no new bean is created and you may raise a NullpointerException afterwards.
To be sure a bean will always be created in the scope, it's better to use class attribute.

two month later, the response is simply that reource-ref declared in application clients don't work in WSAD.
You have to open the Application client resource configuration tool in <wsadhome>/runtimes/base_v5/bin and run the clientConfig.bat, then navigate to your exported ear and double click the jar of your client application.

For more details on this, please refer to the exellent red book EJB2.0 development with WSAD p.632.

Hi Axel,

You're right, it's quite ambiguous.
But when IBM has its own interpretation of the spec, it's worth to tell it.

That's a feature I like generally in IBM's redbooks, because they clearly make distinction between what's exactly required by the spec, and what's is provided by WSAD as an extra (like for example EJB inheritance or run as delegation not only at bean leval but also method level, etc...)


PS: I don't know if god knows truth, in fact, it would be great to know first about its existence...;-)

I've just two other remarks on the book of Mr. Kushner.

1�) about transactions p.425
It's said that

J2EE application client components may also perform transaction, but they must access the transaction directly through JNDI as follows:
UserTransaction transaction = (UserTransaction)jndiContext.lookup("jta/usertransaction");

It's contradictoty with the J2EE1.3 spec 9.3 p.118 that states that

application clients are not required to have direct access to the transaction facilities of the J2EE platform. A J2EE product is not required to provide a JTA UserTransaction object for use by application clients

So, the solution provided by the spec: use of EJB's transaction facilities as well as JDBC's ones.

2�) One month ago, I've asked about the location and the way to get the client-resource.xmi file where the the resource references for application client are resolved. NO RESPONSE FROM ANYONE IN THIS FORUM, as well as nothing except of the mention of the file name in MrKushner's book p.417).
I've found the solution by reading the excellent redbook EJB2.0 DEvelopment with websphere Studio Application Developer (p.632).
- Run the clientConfig.bat file
- navigate to the exported ear
- expand the client.jar -> JMS Providers -> Websphere JMS Provider -> WASQueueeConnectionFactory
=> a file named client-resource.xmi is added to the client.jar file inside the EAR file.
=> we can extract this file and import this into the META-INF folder of the client project so that no error occurs during execution in WSAD.
It's a pity that nothing about the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool was ibn written in ibm 287's book.

By the way, this book can be useful although i prefer the EJB2.0 development redbook that is much more practical and dives much deeper in details

[ February 07, 2005: Message edited by: cyril vidal ]

I'm working with Kushner's book on 287 IBM test.
p.419 and 420, resource-env-ref and resource-ref xml elements are used both to refer to an manager connection factory (javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory) and resource environment references (javax.jms.Queue).

According to EJB2.0 spec p.426-427 �20-4 and �20-5, it's not a correct configuration. JMS queues should be referenced only by resource environement references (resource-env-ref) and JMS Queue Connection Factories should be referenced only by resource manager connection factoy references (resource-ref), but to my sense, mix is not allowed.

[ February 07, 2005: Message edited by: cyril vidal ]

Is somenoe sure about the response of the following prime test question:

Which of the following statements are false with respect to an SSL connnection? SSL can be used between an "Applet container" and:
A. the embedded HTTP Server
B an EJB COntainer
C a Web Container
D a Web Server
E client Container

I'm quite sure about client container, which is not (i guess) equiped with server SSL function.
But i'm not sure for the following wrong response, and hesitate between B and D.
B may be wrong because it's said the SSL may be used over IIOP between EJB COntainers and other J2EE containers => applet container is not a J2EE container but a J2SE one, so the answer is wrong
D may be wrong because SSL is done via the Server container and not Web Server(???)

Thanks for your tips,
Hello John,

Thanks for your response.
Could you tell me please what exactly is the role of this file?
It's not very clear in IBM 287's book, at least for me...


At different pages in Howard Kushner's book, the authors refer to the file client-resource.xmi, among other things for binding informations (see by example p.417 or p.485).

By default, when I build an application module, I can see a application.xml file, and if I define some references (EJB references by example with bindinf infos), an extra ibm-application-client-bnd.xmi is also available.

But how to make this famous but very secret client-resource.xmi file appear?

Thanks for you tips,

I'm in doubt about this question:
9. When setting up the JMS server, in a test environment which is already running message-driven beans (MDB), which of the following properties MUST be configured to correctly communicate messages to a new MDB?
A. Queue JNDI name
B. Initial state to: Started
C. Queue name
D. Connection factory JNDI name
E. Listener port name

Select 2 answers.

Answer A is obviously wrong, E seems to be wrong too, because you set up the listener port in the DD, not in the test environment.
But, you should specify both names and jndi names for both queue and connection factory. So, A, C and D are all correct

Could you show me my mistake?

I disagree with all the responses given to this question for the moment.
1�) First, it is not correct to say that you set up the listener port in the DD, not in the test environment.
Indeed, declaring the listener port for a message driven bean will give you the following informations in the META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi file:

you obviously see the problem: there's no information about JNDI names of QueueConnectionFactory or Queue destination used by the MDB. That's why you MUST configure this property during application installation (step 2) or when deploying the MDB module in the server via the Administration Console via Application Servers -> Your server -> Message Listener Service > Listener ports. So answer E is definitely a correct one.

2�) spec EJB2.0 �15.4.9 p.317 Association of a message-driven-bean with a destination:

The Deployer should avoid associating more than one message-driven beanwith the same JMS Queue. If there are multiple JMS consumers for a queue, JMS doesn't define how messages are distributed between the queue receivers


Which means for us that during configuration of our Listener Port, a new JNDI name for the JMS destination MUST also be provided (the same JNDi name for the Queue Connection Factory may be filled in the wizzard). So A is also correct.

3�)B is not correct sine the server is alredy running for other beans.
C may be correct but as we are required to provide only two responses, this one is NOT NECESSARY beacause the name of the Queue Destination may alreday have been filled in server DD inside WSAD, which is not the case for responses A and E.


I have exactly the same problem when trying to do the following tutorial

i.e no attached agents may be seen under the process after to have configured them with profiling wizard.
I use WSAD5.0 and did install Agent Controller, of course...

Thanks for your tips,
20 years ago