Bharatesh H Kakamari

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since Nov 09, 2000
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Recent posts by Bharatesh H Kakamari

Thanks all for the detailed explanation related to Cookies. Maha Anna is one of the persons without whose contributions to this site I would not have completed my SCJP2 41 mock exams are a journey to SCJP2.

23 years ago
They are stored in heap. But when they should be garbage collected depends on the implementor of JSP Engine.
23 years ago
I do not think there is need to update web.xml. I did not update it.
23 years ago
You can use Homesite 4.5 from
Good JSP editor
23 years ago
If you know C language then the include directive is similar to #include directive there.
include directive is used to include a jsp file in the current jsp file. The reason why this could be done is to separate presentation layer into various jsp pages so that if a change is required for one page, the entire presentation layer need not change.
There are two ways of including a file : a) the include directive and another with <jsp:include> action. The latter is used when the design requires the inclusion of the file as run-time. For eg during run-time another jsp file gets generated and this is included at run-time.
23 years ago
Refer J2ee Blueprints by Nicholas Kaseem. He clears most of your doubts in that book. It is also downloadable from sun's site.
23 years ago
Try finding out from the compiled jsp's .java code. It could be problem with the package definition rather than classpath.
23 years ago
First of all forget Jawa Web server as it is obsolete. Install Tomcat. And Admin port of JWS is not 8080 but 9090.
Try with http://localhost:8080 or
The name with NE...:9090 is the Name of the Host which the windows is not able to resolve with Domain Name Service. Every host in the network has a IP Address and the Host Name. If one refers to the host name instead of an IP it tries to resolve the the Domain Name Service the WorldWide database of the Internet. Hence the error.
23 years ago
for jsp and servlet you can start tutorials from the sun's site
23 years ago
Problem has become interesting. Can you post your code. I am not sure which directory service you are using and if at all it will require any other downloads if you will post your code.
What is HttpSessionBindingListener interface ? Where is it used ?
23 years ago
When I provide 3600 as a parameter to setMaxAge for Cookies I means I am setting the Cookie age to one hour. How is one hour calculated at the server ? Is it one hour from the actual creation of the cookie. Is there a difference between the Cookie life-time and the actual one hour ?
23 years ago
What is Clustering and Load Balancing ?
23 years ago
How do I change the code in the Servlets to only accepts https (SSL) connections rather than http connections ?
23 years ago
Why does sometimes post method not working in Internet Explorer. It works in Netscape though! If I change to get it works. what could be the reason ?
23 years ago