Hello and thanks for viewing my post.
I cannot view the index page in my test web application. Here are the steps I have done thus far, am I missing a setup:
1. downloaded jboss-as-7.1.1.Final (Brontes) .zip file
2. unzipped file
3. added JBoss tools within Eclipse
4. created a Dynamic Web Project; target runtime: JBoss 7.1 Runtime; configuration: Default Configuration for JBoss 7.1 Runtime
5. added index.html (with hello world inside of it) to WEB-INF directory.
6. added web project: JBossTest to server
7. started server
8. open browser and went to
9. browser shows description: The requested resource (/JBossTest/index.html) is not available.
No errors show up in server.log. I can get to the "Welcome AS 7" screen if I go to the
http://localhost:8080. I can see that JBoss created a JBossTest.war.deployed in the deployments directory. I went to JBoss site and followed their guide to se
Environment: Windows 7, Eclipse Kepler, JDK 1.6.0_45