Lalitha Chandran

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since Jul 03, 2003
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Recent posts by Lalitha Chandran

Hi there,

Second year engineering hmm ....thats some nice-early-gearing up.. I think you are on the right track ... just keep going on..

Congratulations.. Great job..

19 years ago
Hello Prashant,
Thank you for the information. I have just given the first exam... :roll:
Lalitha Chandran
Hi all,
I just bought SoftSCBCD. But the questions looks so easy. Are the questions on real exam really so easy.
Lalitha Chandran
Hi Prashant,
Thanks for the links. They really helped me.
Lalitha Chandran
Hi all,
I just wanted to know which commercial mock exam software is better - softSCBCD or Enthuware's EJBPlus exam.
Could I get some kind of feedback on them as to how close they are to real exam.
Thank you,
Lalitha Chandran
Hi all,
I got my score report by mail yesterday. Patience!!!
I got 84% .
Amit I think you would also receive it in a few days.
Lalitha Chandran
Hi all,
I didn't receive my score report still. I just wanted to know if there are others who didn't receive the score report.
According to one of the post of Evelyn Cartagena we should email the prometric if we do not recieve the score report by april 20. I have tried emailing them but didn't get any response.
Can someone suggest what I should do to recieve the score report.
Lalitha Chandran
Hi there,
I just tried your piece of code and went through jstl specification 1.1
You can't use set tag directly to set the value for an arraylist. The target can be an object of type java.util.Map or a java bean object.
I don't know what you really want to achieve but you could try this out
Please let us know how you got the score and which part of the globe do you stay.
Lalitha Chandran

Originally posted by Nicholas Cheung:
The score posting are seems in decending order.
I remember Kris was the 1st guy who said he received his score, and he got 94%; then Pradeep was the 2nd one here to receive his score, and he got 82%, and I am the 3rd who received my score with 72%.
So, those who do not receive the score till now, maybe score only 60+.
Does this make sense?

This sounds scary . But does that mean only three people out there have their scores???
I think the results are reflected in I7 database. But it just says pass. It doesn't show up the score. Maybe it will take some more time. But if someone wants to double check their result, go to the I7 website.
Lalitha Chandran
Hi guys,
I just looked up the prometric website and I have passed .
Now it is easier to wait for the score till Saturday......
Lalitha Chandran
Hi all
Finally I am glad that I could give the exam today. Thanks to all those who gave in their inputs about the feel of exam. It helped me a lot. The exam was as others had pointed about.
Does anybody have any idea about the evaluation scheme???
Lalitha Chandran
Thats real fast...
Congratulations at the certifications
Lalitha Chandran
21 years ago