somkiat puisungnoen

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since Jul 04, 2003
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Recent posts by somkiat puisungnoen

Thank you very much for all response.
18 years ago
Hi everybody,

I'm java programmer but I have more interesting with Ruby on Rails.

And I have some question in my mind.
- How to management team to develop application with Ruby on Rail ? ( Development Process, Testing and Deployment )
- Tools for support like Eclipse, Jbuilder.
- How to config Rails work with Apache WebServer ?

Thank you for any answer.
18 years ago
Now, i using AJAX ( DWR ) with java and php, it's good for me.
AJAX is not new technology but its mix technology all together ( XML, JavaScript, DOM, XMLRequest ), so if you would like to learn AJAX, it not hard.

Originally posted by Isaias C. Barroso:
In Firefox, whats the Character Encoding that is selected when ??? characters are being showed?

Default is UNICODE ( UTF-8 ).
18 years ago

Originally posted by Isaias C. Barroso:
This problem ocurrs in any browser?

ํำYes, i tested in ie and firefox browser.

Originally posted by Isaias C. Barroso:

Whats you output if you get the Accept-Charset header of your HTTP Connection?

18 years ago

Originally posted by Thara Visveswaran:
How different is JSF from Struts? How do we choose between the two?

Both are same BUT i have been using Struts a long time.

JSF architecture is like a Event Listener as same as Swing/AWT application. ( It's good, i like it. )

I'm will use JSF instead of Struts as soon as posible.

thank you.
[ April 04, 2006: Message edited by: somkiat puisungnoen ]
18 years ago
I think, JSF is good BUT i like Struts Framework more than.
18 years ago
I have problem in I18N with JSF on my application.

My application MUST support multiple language such as English, Thai , Chinese .. etc.

Now i have problem with Thai language.

My solution to do that ::
- use properties file. ( Use UTF-8 Encoding )
- load properties file in jsp page

when i change language that i change Local of context in ManageBean code BUT in jsp page display ???.

I don't khnow how to fix this problem ???

Do you have some solution to solve my problem ?

thank you.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Eric Gero:
I agree. I love JavaScript, but it has its place. Its great for making web pages more user friendly, and doing some client side form validation. But I never use it for my business logic. Keep that on the server.

i'm agree with you.

I'm using AJAX in my application that it's good response time and good performance...
Because, it thrown exception in this method.

you should be send form in your Certified Kit to SUN.