Pavel Halas

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 05, 2003
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Recent posts by Pavel Halas

I'm not skilled in exact these things, but I could say clear and simple:
you should close everything that has close() method.
21 years ago
I recommend you legendary tutorial/faq web by Roseanne Zhang.
My opinion is to use JDOM, parsing this way...
I recommend you legendary tutorial/faq web by Roseanne Zhang.
My opinion is to use JDOM, parsing this way...
21 years ago
Ones more with explanation.
The abstract class could not be construct every time....
  • It could not be possible at all: We're using inheritance from library classes.
    We have a class named MyApplet (for example). It must be extended from Applet. In Java you can't use multiple inheritance so you can't force implemetation of a methods from abstract class.
  • Could be difficult: The parent would be evidently artificial.
    Capturing similarities between unrelated classes without artificially forcing a class relationship.

  • We should consider the rigth OO design.

    What does an Interface have a purely abstract class doesn't have?

    No, that's not good question. Abstract class is fairly the same but with another use. There are items above that explain it...
    This conversation gets from developing to philosophy. And the truth is relative ;-).
    In fine we're all on the same boat. We develop in Java, and Sun decided to "substitute" problematic multiple inheritance with interface. But another point is that interface has its problems too. Consider two interfaces with the same method that differs only in return type and the class that implements them both...
    21 years ago

    Originally posted by victor gu:
    It seems the code is calling native method.

    Yes. The virtual machine is your platform, but it must translate your Java calls to OS native calls.
    The directory (on the path) or the file don't exist. You have to not forget that new File object is not real file or directory. Use something like this:

    But I may be wrong due to your not showing us the right code part.
    21 years ago
    YO. I watch them opinions flows...
    I can handle both technologies and there's my simple conclusion.
    If I created my web, I used PHP. But if I developed web application (or little larger web) I do prefere JSP. And JSP I take like "V" in MVC for Java classes.
  • fast to develop (only small webs)
  • no security
  • no debuging

  • JSP:
  • security
  • reuse: You can make frontend in swing too.
  • speed: Once compiled, then much faster.
  • persistence
  • thread-save
  • load: It can serve more users.
  • debug: classes could be debuged well.

  • ... and I probably forgot something.
    YO guys. Java on the server-side rules. There are some problems in client applications but server Java has only positives...
    21 years ago
    The answer is very simple. There's probably no DES implementation in micro Java. Try to overlook API for another crypto methods...
    21 years ago

    Originally posted by Jim Yingst:
    ... many, many, many words ...

    Yes. You're good. I tried to find simple and reasonable answer. You found big trouble. You could earn big money on analysis...
    I mean it very serious, if there're doubts.
    Surely it depends on VM implementation. You're right.
    21 years ago
    OK. You've said we do not need interface if we had the multiple inheritance. But I doubt.
    We use interface to force some methods and when we see similarities in different classes. Let's talk about the second itemt.
    The abstract class could not be construct every time....
  • It could not be possible at all: We're using inheritance from library classes.
  • Could be difficult: The parent would be evidently artificial.

  • 21 years ago

    Originally posted by Maulin Vasavada:
    ... how "static" variable would work here?

    You would store sequential numbers in some instance variable.
    But. What is the actual number (next instance sequential)? Then you'll check the static variable and get the value.
    21 years ago
    If I understand you, you would make the thread to stop using some user action (button click)...
    You should create a boolean field that should be periodically checked. If the action is long-lasting, this could be combined with a process indication.
    Put the form tags outside the table. If you're not sure, check the page using validator.
    If you have rendering problems, preview the page for sure -- the Dreaweaver has some bad days too.
    You'll better follow this...
    Java JDBC tutorial
    This is warranted.
    Looks strange... Try using
    String str = rs.getString("pid");
    Let it write on terminal and then parse it using
    int pid = Integer.parseInt(str);
    May help you. No other solutions for now.
    At first you must download any oracle JDBC driver (from oracle web or anywhere else). It is a .jar file, that you will put in your classpath. Some information could be found at JDBC intro, but that's not the only information source -- I googled it using: oracle + jdbc.

    ... I just now read that Oracle 8.1.7 supports only jdk1.2.x. If that is the case ,Do I need Oracle 9i?

    No, that has nothing to do with JDBC. Due to you're new in that, it's not important now.