Johan Pelgrim

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since Jul 07, 2003
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Recent posts by Johan Pelgrim

Thanks Carlos, I'll browse around...
11 years ago
Hi Carlos,

I have not found any which can do what I need (one series in bars, one series in a trend-line, coloring of the exceeding amount in the bars, which is over the trend-line)... Can you recommend a good graph-lib which is highly customisable?

Kind regards,

11 years ago
Hi Carlos,

I want to display a chart with one series as bars, and show a trend-line (hence the curved-line requirement). Anything above the trend-line should have a different color. Maybe some axis, legend. That's about it (for a start). Some chart-libs can do bars, or lines. Few can do both in a compound graph. None can do the above / below a trend-line colouring. I'm leaning towards a solution with a custom component.

Kind regards,

11 years ago
Hi Carlos,

Are there any pages on custom (graphical) components in the book? I'm looking for the best way to draw a curved trend-line between some points in a graph. What would be the best approach to do this? Calculate the intermediary points myself and simply call drawLines(float[] pts, Paint paint) on the Canvas object, or use a Path object with its Cubic and Quadratic Bezier curve methods cubicTo resp. quadTo methods?

Kind regards,

11 years ago
Hi Carlos,


Your book title indicates you have been digging around the source code to find the nitty gritty about the Android Framework. In your opinion, did you see an increase API documentation updates during the time you have written the book and have done your research? What areas are still lacking (in documentation) and contain real gems (which hopefully are described in your book?)

When I browse around the source code I something get the experience Google is taking a considerable amount of effort to work around their own framework. Did you encounter any of those hacks as well? What scared you the most?

How future proof are the hacks described in your book? Are they clean and working 'with' the framework, so we can depend on them in the future. Or are some so hacky they need attention after every new release of the SDK?

Kind regards,

11 years ago
Hi Mathew,

Once you have split up your animated GIF into separate images try using the animation-list (frame animation) for animating your background...

Good luck!

13 years ago
Hi Rakesh,

Android User Interface Development, beginner's guide by Jason Morris might be a good place to start...


13 years ago
Hi Sohaib,

Come to think of it. What you describe here is probably some kind of splash-screen? Unless you are doing some heavy background initialization I would advise against a splash-screen. Simply start your app as quickly as possible and present the user with the activity to perform the task they they downloaded and installed your app for in the first place. You can do the company logo animation bit in an about screen or something...

Again, good luck!

13 years ago
Hi Sohaib,

The ViewFlipper is what you need (Google for some examples, they're out there!). Set the android:autoStart attribute to true to start the animation when the ViewFlipper is displayed...

Good luck!

13 years ago
Hi Dave,

I'll definitely look into that Dave! By the way... I won the book! So I can read up on this stuff in the chapters as well. Yay!

Thanks again for all your elaborate answers. They really helped me solve things or in 'taking a stand'.


13 years ago
Hi Satya / Dave,

Does the book cover the use of Proguard? I've heard good and bad stories on the use of Proguard. Is it workable in your opinion? When do you suggest using it. I mean, it might not matter that much for open source project, but do you recommend using Proguard in any commercial app? Are there any good alternatives to Proguard?

Thanks in advance for the answer!


13 years ago
Hi Dave,

Thanks for the answer. Helps a lot!

I guess it boils down to this:

. If you want the same app to run on older versions of Android, this is possible by specifying a lower version number for the min SDK. But now you have to be prepared to handle any class differences that exist in stuff you're using in your app. The reason you might target a higher version than the min is that you might want to take advantage of a feature that exists in the higher version, while gracefully handling the case when a class or method doesn't exist in an older version.

And that probably comes with experience?! I hope I win the book so I can take a look at the examples your hinting at ;-)


13 years ago