Ashok Paulraj

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the above code sample defines _aObj which is already defined in setParent(...)

Also, I could do an instanceof to determine the subclass of A but is there a neat way to do this avoiding instanceof.....
17 years ago

public class B extends A {

public void setObj (List l) {}
public void instantiateTemp ()
Temp t = new Temp ();
t.setParent (this);

public class C extends A {

public void setObj (List l) {}
public void instantiateTemp ()
Temp t = new Temp ();
t.setParent (this);

public class D extends A {

public void setObj (List l) {}
public void instantiateTemp ()
Temp t = new Temp ();
t.setParent (this);

public class Temp
private A _aObj;
Temp () {..}
void setParent (A aObj) {
_aObj = aObj;

void compute () {

// from here I need to access setObj(List l) on B and C....

Temp is a GUI class and hence compute () won't be called until a UI action takes place......

Appreciate your help !!
17 years ago
How do I access the subclasses' (B,C and D - subclasses of A) methods from an external class 'Temp' ?
17 years ago
hi all,

I noted down the chapter nos.. Thanks for the info.!!. But should I need to study every bit of these chapters. the initial chapters seems to be really dry with excess amount of info..

Plz let me know the way you guys used to study these chapters to take up the exam.


I see Professional XML 2nd edition is recommended to prepare for the exam. But how do i get to know the topics that i need to concentrate well and some to eliminate. certain chapters have got some dry info. which lessens the enthusiasm to read the important contents of those chapters.

plz share your thoughts whoever has given the exam and the way they have read this book's chapters.

Hello Ranchers,
I am a newbie to Application Servers. I have been able to run the examples given with WebLogic 8.1 server.
I am trying to develop some own examples of mine, prob. a simple statless session bean application with WebLogic. Is there any specific link that describes out this process ?. more than writing source files, method of deploying that & running seems to be a more hectic task.
I am sure, many ranchers out here must have done some apps. with the same and many would be doing the same in your office!..
please give ur 2 cents on this, any input is appreciated.
20 years ago
Hello Mr. Shenoy,
Could you add 2 more cents on EAR ?
~ Shalini
Hello Ranchers,
I am just learning a bit on EJBs.
In order to access the business methods, there are two options::
OPTION I: client calls stub - stub does marshalling & contacts skeleton - skeleton does unmarshalling & contacts EJBObject to get an instance of the bean - EJBObject contacts business methods & response comes back thru' the same process.
OPTION II: client calls an interface that implements EJBlocalHome --which further contacts an interface that implements EJBlocalObject - which creates an instance of the bean and contacts the bean to run the logic.
Ofcourse I knew that OPTION II is valid only when the bean is deployed in the same machine as the client.
Am I right?... Through out your version of understanding to get this right!!
Hello Ranchers,
I would like to buy an EJB book to get to understand the concepts well in detail and also want to use it as a reference in the future.
How abt. this book ?
Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd Edition
By Richard Monson-Haefel
Any input is appreciated, I already have an online version of Ed Roman's book.
Hello Ranchers,
Today I installed Apache tomcat 5.0 & it runs fine. I tested some examples given in the servlet-examples directory and they run fine. I just coded a simple servlet myself and placed the class files inside WEB-INF/classes directory with the source file whether the example source/class files are present.
When i try:
it gives out HTTP 404 file not found
where first is the servlet compiled by myself, but instead of first, if i give the example source names, it runs fine.
Suggest me a soln. to work it out!!
~ Shalini
20 years ago
Hello Ranchers,
I am trying to test an example with a servlet or JSP client executing a session bean with BEA 8.1. I am looking for a suitable example over internet detailing about the procedure to do such an example with the specific appln. server.
Can you ranchers help me out with a link detailing out the procedures/source codes to deploy such an example in BEA 8.1
~ Shalini
20 years ago
from EJB 2.0, i heard that itz easy to instantiate a EJBean without much overhead in going thru' whole process of accessing local stub, then marshall parameters......etc. with the use of LOCAL OBJECT & LOCAL interface.
Could anybody detail a bit on this and how itz different from Remote object(EJBObject)/remote interface ?.
Any input is appreciated.
~ Shalini
Hello Ranchers,
Could someone explain me PASS BY REFERENCE in RMI with an example. however, I read some articles, I am not able to get the bottom of it.
Also when RMI would use PASS BY VALUE & PASS BY reference. Can we make the option or its JVM way to go !! ?
any input is appreciated!!
~ Shalini
[ February 10, 2004: Message edited by: Taurean Lord ]
20 years ago
Hello Mr. David,
I am preparing for SCBCD and having tuf time with Bean life cycles. Can you pass valentino's prep. notes for me too ?
~ Shalini
20 years ago